View Full Version : Community Museum

6th October 2017, 10:38 AM
During a recent visit to a community museum, our four-year-old
daughter was fascinated by an interactive display of an old-fashioned
telephone and switchboard.

We explained to her that many years ago you would speak to an
operator, who would then help make the call by plugging a cord into
the appropriate jack.

With my wife pretending to operate the switchboard, the child picked
up the antique phone and asked, "Mommy, could you please connect me
to the Internet?"

6th October 2017, 05:20 PM
Many years ago I organised an April Fools day joke on our switchboard operator. When someone wanted an outside line, they had to pick up the phone and dial 0. A light would come on on the switchboard, the operator would ask what number you wanted and connect you. I organised for everyone in the office to dial 0 at once. The switchboard lit up like a Christmas tree, and the exclamation from the operator was unprintable.

KBs PensNmore
6th October 2017, 06:15 PM
That was MEAN.
When I had my business, I'd have people ringing up wanting a Credit Account, I told them to ring back on Friday as She would be in then. When asked her Name, I'd tell them her name was Helen Waite, as I had a saying "If you want Credit, go to Helen Waite"