View Full Version : What do you think of Fosters?
22nd September 2005, 11:54 AM
Let 'em know:
I voted "never touch it". Only because there was no option for "I would drink XXXX before I would drink that bat's p!ss."
22nd September 2005, 12:11 PM
Cooper's Pale and Sparkling ales for me
22nd September 2005, 12:18 PM
I'm getting more choosy as I get older and grumpier.
I've never liked Fosters. If I'm really thirsty and just want a coldie, I drink VB.
If I'm feeling contemplative and philosophical and want a long slow beer, I drink any of the following (in no particular order):-
Little Creatures Pale Ale
James Squire IPA
Cascade Premium
and a lot of other good beers that I don't have time to list now because I've got to do some work :(
22nd September 2005, 12:29 PM
You guys should all try Pilsner Urquell. Its a Czech beer from Pils (Doh - where they invented Pilsner). It came second (after Coopers black) in last years beer awards.
I used to like VB a bit, but now it gets shoved down your throat at every Rugby or Cricket match and many other social events. I now automatically associate it with 20 minute queues for the dunny and bars/food. CUB must be good marketers and price well.
PU may still be on special @ $43 a slab. Give it a try. Recommend a single malt chaser.
Fosters is OK in Oz, but beware drinking it overseas. They brew it locally, you wouldn't pick it - apart from the label. Tried it in Ireland once, bat's urine would be kind.
22nd September 2005, 12:31 PM
Yes, well just make sure you all go and vote in that poll. We need to let them know that their product is crap!!!
22nd September 2005, 12:36 PM
A couple of years ago in the UK a bar maid picked I was an Aussi and asked if I wanted a fosters which they had on tap. I carefully explained to her that the reason we exported it to the uk was to sell it to poms as no one in their right mind drank it in Australia.
To me it ranks with emu bitter, xxxx and southwark ( possible delibrate spelling mistake ) As the beers to ovoid .
A hangover is the wrath of grapes.
22nd September 2005, 12:38 PM
Lips that touch liquor shall never touch mine!
22nd September 2005, 12:43 PM
Let 'em know:
I voted "never touch it". Only because there was no option for "I would drink XXXX before I would drink that bat's p!ss."
22nd September 2005, 12:43 PM
Lips that touch liquor shall never touch mine!
.............. may the Lord make us truly thankful
22nd September 2005, 12:46 PM
Lips that touch liquor shall never touch mine!
Well, you can kiss my asre because I never sit in my beer! :p
22nd September 2005, 12:59 PM
Lips that touch liquor shall never touch mine!
Come on give us a kiss kiss kiss kiss
22nd September 2005, 01:03 PM
i once drank fosters afterwards i didn't know which end to put over the toilet never again i drink boag premium at the moment
doug the slug
22nd September 2005, 02:14 PM
Ya cant beat my home brew, its the best there is.
Southwark??? isnt that a drain cleaner or something?
22nd September 2005, 02:25 PM
[QUOTE=doug the slug]Ya cant beat my home brew, its the best there is.
Burnett Head Bitter?????
22nd September 2005, 02:41 PM
Southwark??? isnt that a drain cleaner or something?
That's the carp they used to transport over to melbourne every year when we had our once traditional Xmas beer strike. That stuff really is dog's pi55!
22nd September 2005, 03:20 PM
You guys should all try Pilsner Urquell. Its a Czech beer from Pils (Doh - where they invented Pilsner).
I have to agree that it's a fine beer and up there with my favorites.
At the mo however, my favorite beer is Grolsch.
Fosters, as Darren so rightly says, is p!ss and if they don't have that option I ain't voting. ;)
Incidently, I reckon that Carlton Crown is just Fosters in a fancy brown bottle.
It used to be a good beer before it was bought out by CUB.
Not anymore though.
22nd September 2005, 03:26 PM
OK, well if we're aiming for the sky, Hoegarten is a good drop (need some of those funny dots over the o). But if you want to feel like you head's been kicked in, get over to the Nelson and grab a pint or seven of Nelson's Blood. Aaaargh!!! Three Sheets is not bad, but it's only about 6.5% :eek:
The managers on a project I worked on once thought Crownies were top shelf, so they used to order one case of Crownies, two of VB, some light crap and a carton of Old. All the lads would dive on the crownies with glee and scoff them so no-one else could have them. I was happy because it diverted their attention from the real beer, the Tooheys Black!!
22nd September 2005, 03:37 PM
the real beer, the Tooheys Black!!
Ah yes, now we're talking beer. It tastes so nice because it's an ale not a lager. My favourite beer in the world is the San Miguel from the Manilla brewery, officially rated as one of the best 3 beers in the world.
22nd September 2005, 03:43 PM
I am not fussy. You beers all taste the same to me. :D
22nd September 2005, 03:48 PM
Lips that touch liquor shall never touch mine!
That'll set AA back twenty years.
James Squire Pilsner is the best beer in Australia.
Also, like most other from Malt Shovel, Coopers Sparkling, Little Creatures (so bitter, yum), 500ml bottles of Grolsch, Beck (good for headaches too) and lots of others too.
22nd September 2005, 03:49 PM
Well speaking of strong beers....
Years ago when I was young and stupid (as opposed to being old and stupid :rolleyes: ) I used to have a taste for Carlsberg Elephant Beer. 7.5% or soemthing :eek:
Way too strong for me nowadays. :rolleyes:
22nd September 2005, 03:57 PM
Well speaking of strong beers....
Years ago when I was young and stupid (as opposed to being old and stupid :rolleyes: ) I used to have a taste for Carlsberg Elephant Beer. 7.5% or soemthing :eek:
Way too strong for me nowadays. :rolleyes:
Too right, it's deadly. Many moons ago I was SE Asia GM for a Danish construction company. The boss always drank Carlsberg when he visited, and one day he slipped me Elephant and laughed his head off when I got legless. :D
22nd September 2005, 03:58 PM
Most high alcohol beers are too sweet for my liking. Chimay the Belgian beer is 9% and far too sweet. The brewers have to add lots of sugar to the wort so all them yeasties can eat it and poo out lots of alcohol and burp lots of Co2
22nd September 2005, 04:08 PM
one day he slipped me Elephant
I used to work with a guy whose party trick was "the white elephant". He used to turn his pockets inside out, unzip his fly, and hang it out.
22nd September 2005, 04:10 PM
I used to work with a guy whose party trick was "the white elephant". He used to turn his pockets inside out, unzip his fly, and hang it out.
What was his name, Sluggo? :D
22nd September 2005, 04:11 PM
What was his name, Sluggo? :D
No, we used to call him Dumbo ;)
22nd September 2005, 04:18 PM
I'm surprised nobody has mention Swan Light (0.9% wasn't it?) :eek:
22nd September 2005, 04:19 PM
Fosters - ugh. there's a beer. Any of the Montieths are worth a go, esp. 'Black'. Cascade Pale Ale. Hahn Witbeer. Wiessbeir. Redback. James Squire Porter. Guinness anytime. Boags 'Seasons' range. Ahhhhh, beer.
22nd September 2005, 04:25 PM
Gentlemen Please!!!!!! :confused:
There are no bad beers it's just some are better than others ;)
And frankly I'd drink it out of a sweaty arab camel drivers jockstrap if'n I was thirsty enough :eek: :D :D :D
22nd September 2005, 04:26 PM
Let all be honest, there's no bad beer it's just that some is better than others. Just like when there's no refrigeration, if you don't have to blow the steam off it, then its cold enough. :D
22nd September 2005, 04:34 PM
OK, I confess, my first beer was a warm Fosters. I pinched one from my Uncle and hid it in the shed. I also drank KB once. You have to experiment when you're young :rolleyes:
22nd September 2005, 04:42 PM
I also drank KB once. You have to experiment when you're young :rolleyes:
KB = Kid's Beer. You drank it at the right time. :)
Andy Mac
22nd September 2005, 04:53 PM
I'll have to agree with the concensus, never touch Fosters...who does actually drink the stuff?!
Many years ago when I was leaving WA and moving east, Adelaide being first port of call, my dad pulled me aside and cautioned me about always carrying a big stick into the pubs there. Jeez, I thought, must be a rough place, a bit like Fremantle was! No he replied, that's to poke the Southwark down with!!:D
Coopers sparkling or Cascade are my preferred, but only when I'm rich.
22nd September 2005, 04:56 PM
OK, well if we're aiming for the sky,
The beers made by the Trappist monks in belgium are amazing. (But you can't drink them cold like a lager). They use a bunch of different malts and the yeast they have been cultivating for 100 years. All natural, bottle conditioned and the strong one is 9%abv.
Incidently, I reckon that Carlton Crown is just Fosters in a fancy brown bottle.
I'm also convinced of that but am never able to justify the expense of buying it to do a blind test against the other swill.
Matilda Bay in WA make good beer. Their Premium lager is now called Bohemian Pilsner and I'm very partial to a drop.
Cept I'm at uni and dont get home till next week .
22nd September 2005, 04:56 PM
Seems to me none of you lot have been thirsty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22nd September 2005, 05:00 PM
Mate I'd drink my own urine filtered through one of my socks before I let any of that stuff in the blue can pass my lips :D
22nd September 2005, 05:05 PM
Mate I'd drink my own urine filtered through one of my socks before I let any of that stuff in the blue can pass my lips :D
Nah, i'd drink the blue stuff rather then your pi55. :D
22nd September 2005, 05:07 PM
Yeah, you're probably right, my socks do get pretty smelly....
22nd September 2005, 05:16 PM
Funny tho, Fosters used to be OK. When I was at school in the UK, Barry McKenzie was an icon, and we used to drink gallons of the stuff. Talk about legless, being used to illicit chug a lugs of British beer (in the South its about 1.5% alcohol) consuming 5 pints whilst no-one was looking, didn't the 6% Fosters knock us around.
If the Empire wasn't aleady lost it would have gone straight down the gurgler once we hit the career path.
22nd September 2005, 05:19 PM
That's the point. It's popular all over the world - except for here. I don't know anyone who likes the stuff. People overseas think it's what Australians drink - but we don't.
22nd September 2005, 05:55 PM
Never touch it was my vote. It was a hit when it came out but didn't last long - maybe because those who liked it were drunk at the time and didn't know what they were drinking or couldn't tell the difference from that and the stuff in the urinals.
But I used to hate the smell of XXXX as a kid, but now like the stuff - so what do I know?
22nd September 2005, 08:33 PM
Corona and my Home brew!....
22nd September 2005, 08:38 PM
Nah, I rate Corona and Guiness like Fosters sorry. In no order, Tooheys New, VB, XXXX Gold, Cascade Premium and Boags.
Some of my clients will be getting a case of this for Christmas: with a customised label on it. :o You drink it, it's beer.**You get*drunk, fall over,*pass out*and then mozy on out of town.*
22nd September 2005, 08:44 PM
No, can't go there. Any beer you have to add lemon to it, to give it flavour isn't for me. Same goes for Redback. Actually, wheat beets aren't for me either.
It's interesting how Australia's collective beer tastes have changed. When I was a boy growing up on the beaches of Perth, I used to drink Emu Bitter and think it was the bees knees. Now I think it is just OK. I was into quantity back then not quality. I'd much rather have 1 good beer than 2 ordinary ones.
22nd September 2005, 08:50 PM
No, can't go there. Any beer you have to add lemon to it, to give it flavour isn't for me. Same goes for Redback. Actually, wheat beets aren't for me either.
It's interesting how Australia's collective beer tastes have changed. When I was a boy growing up on the beaches of Perth, I used to drink Emu Bitter and think it was the bees knees. Now I think it is just OK. I was into quantity back then not quality. I'd much rather have 1 good beer than 2 ordinary ones.
Whats "Lemon"??....:confused: :D
22nd September 2005, 09:21 PM
Grunt Corona is better with lime , or take a swig and top up with Tequila called a mexican head slammer.
As to strong beers there use to be an aussie beer called tankard about 9.2 %
Was the best fighting beer I ever saw , But they wanted to tax it as a spirit
Great catch up beer if you arived late at a party.
A hangover is the wrath of grapes.
22nd September 2005, 09:21 PM
I'd much rather have 1 good beer than 2 ordinary ones.
Me too. :)
Of course, 2 good beers would be even better. :D
22nd September 2005, 09:24 PM
OK, Like others I wouldn't touch Fosters with somebody else's lips, what I drink...mainly Cascade Premium Larger, Coopers (gota support the local product) and a wheat beer called Erdinger....
Going to the site now to tell CUB to "export their Fosters" :rolleyes:
22nd September 2005, 09:25 PM
EB (if I could find a local supplier) or Red Back for me...... only then when the home brew dries out.
22nd September 2005, 09:29 PM
Fosters is an export item as it leaves the good ones here.
I love my home brewed old ale made with malt not sugar and Bavaria, the Dutch beer with a German name made for an Australian supermarket chain.
I also brew cider for SWMBO, must admit I don't mind it either but it takes twice as long to ferment as beer.
I also find the home brew tastes better after about 2 months in the 2nd fermentation stage.
Fosters free zone here.
doug the slug
22nd September 2005, 10:54 PM
Hey, can anyone else remember the Games Special beer that came out in Brisbane for the Commonwealth games in 1982?
it was very strong, malty and very hopsy as i recall it, but hten again i drank so much of it its a wonder i remember it at all
23rd September 2005, 09:34 AM
Some of my most pleasant memories - I think - were the long lunches at the Brekkie Creek Hotel with the beer off the wood :D :confused: :o
Ah the good old days - get there about 12:00 and leave shortly before then. Had to drive coz you were too pi55ed to walk!! :eek: :D
23rd September 2005, 09:40 AM
Mind you there are even fonder memories of Jimmy Watsons in Lygon Street Carlton.
You go in there and you never know when you come out :confused: :o :D
23rd September 2005, 03:09 PM
G'day Doug,
Yeah I can remember the cans, until a few years ago I still had some, but I was too young to drink the stuff.
Ahh, the Breaky Creek, when I worked in an ad gency in West End, another bloke and I would go for lunches all around the joint to find the best steaks. We found the 1. Breaky Creek and 2. The Keg at Wooloongabba were the best places.
Those were the days.
23rd September 2005, 03:21 PM
I'm surprised nobody has mention Swan Light (0.9% wasn't it?) :eek:
We use to call it "sex on the beach" over here.
23rd September 2005, 03:25 PM
Does anyone from WA remember Skip and Go Naked?. When I was 15 and getting drunk on the weekends this is what the girls used to drink. Really terrible sweet sparkling wine. Got'em drunk tho. :D
23rd September 2005, 03:55 PM
Never heard of Skip and Go Naked but i'd say our equilivent was Passion Pop
Sounds like the same stuff
The trouble with life is there's no background music.
23rd September 2005, 09:03 PM
tastes like crap, but drink enuff and you get ******
Wood Butcher
23rd September 2005, 09:21 PM
Never heard of Skip and Go Naked but i'd say our equilivent was Passion Pop
Sounds like the same stuff
Used to buy that stuff for $1.50 a bottle, cheap way to get drunk except for the nastiest hangovers.
Personally will not touch fosters, For general drinking Carlton Midstrength, special occasions Crown Lager.
23rd September 2005, 09:48 PM
I am not a fan of the Australian general purpose beers - New, VB and Fosters. I drink Tooheys Black Old (the MUD), but do wander around researching other brews - The James Squire range, Coopers, Boags Matillda Bay etc.
24th September 2005, 11:43 PM
Cascade Premium Lite or Caffrey's Irish Ale .... if i do drink beer .... Bring on the Jameson's whiskey or canadian club for me if i can get it mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm cheers all jules
ps i dodnt drink htthsbo's home brew by then i drink good coffee !!! :D
25th September 2005, 07:23 PM
Some of my most pleasant memories - I think - were the long lunches at the Brekkie Creek Hotel with the beer off the wood :D :confused: :o
Beer off the wood?? You mean they pour the beer over the counter and then you lick it off with your tongue???
26th September 2005, 07:12 PM
Seems the poll has ended. I have never drunken the stuff, never seen it for sale in any bottlo's I have gone too .. not that I had been looking for it.