View Full Version : SWMBO (or I should have known better)
21st September 2005, 08:29 AM
Up and at em early thismorning, 'before you go' sayeth she, 'can you set up the mixmaster?' OK, no problems.
We don't have a mixmaster but we do have a Kenwood Chef which I (wrongfully) assumed was what she meant.
SWMBO is outside for about 1/2 an hour feeding horses then bursts in, 'where is it' .......I dutifully point at the kitchen bench, 'how can I concrete the path with that?'.
Oh woe am I, I should have realised that she meant set up the concrete mixer.
Why am I so stupid as not to realise that this was what she meant :o
21st September 2005, 08:32 AM
When she finishes can she come and do my paths?
21st September 2005, 09:00 AM
geez ian if shes gunna do the concreting - you'd do better than argue with some sheila that can hump 40kg bags of concrete into a mixer!!!
Wood Borer
21st September 2005, 09:18 AM
Us blokes are all the same - we don't listen, we don't understand - we are only males. :confused:
No I haven't thrown in the towell, just learnt survival skills. :D
21st September 2005, 10:04 AM
IAIN - DONKEY TAMER. Eh mate, would you care to share a few of your secrets with us mere mortals. :D
21st September 2005, 10:53 AM
40kg bags of concrete
Not any more. Try and buy a 40kg bag of cement. They only come in 20kg bags here now because of OH&S. :rolleyes: Too small to stick a shovel in. Pain in the earse.
21st September 2005, 11:11 AM
Same ere. Notice the price is not half either. :mad:
21st September 2005, 11:28 AM
Like petrol....
The price is not set in concrete...........................
I know I know poor attempt at humor
21st September 2005, 11:57 AM
Doncha mean a pour attempt at humour? Nyuck nyuck.... Oh, sorry, that was yesterday. :o
21st September 2005, 12:40 PM
Oh my God!!! I cant spall????
Isn't this how it all started???? :) :) :) ;)
21st September 2005, 07:17 PM
Too small to stick a shovel in. Pain in the earse.
Well it would be wouldnt it. :D :D
Ive been buying them 20kg bags for about 3 years.
Makes it easier on the labourer, just tip the whole freekin lot into the mixer.
No dud mixes, or rainbow coloured mud.
I think I pay about $6 per bag?
Al :)
Wood Butcher
21st September 2005, 07:29 PM
Not any more. Try and buy a 40kg bag of cement. They only come in 20kg bags here now because of OH&S. :rolleyes: Too small to stick a shovel in. Pain in the earse.
We can still get 40kg in QLD (at least in Warwick). Went to buy some for concreting garden shed slab and all I could get was 40kg bags. The rapid set stuff comes in 20kgs or 10kg now and buying 2 10's is cheaper than a 20kg bag sometimes:confused:
doug the slug
21st September 2005, 09:29 PM
We can still get 40kg in QLD (at least in Warwick). Went to buy some for concreting garden shed slab and all I could get was 40kg bags.
In Bundaberg i still buy it by the 40 kg bag. you can get 20 kg bags but they are about $8.80 when a 40 kg one is about 11.80.
if they were half the price of a 40 kg bag i would get them all the time, easier on the back , and like Al, i use half a bag per mix
21st September 2005, 09:42 PM
The married mans mantra:
Happy Wife, Happy Life ;)
21st September 2005, 10:02 PM
I dont see what the problem Mum had an old Kenwood mixer that I reckon could handle a few loads of cement.
21st September 2005, 10:03 PM
Oh my God!!! I cant spall????
Isn't this how it all started???? :) :) :) ;)
Good God man get a grip on yourself......youre not spalling, its just a very bad case of dandruff!!
journeyman Mick
22nd September 2005, 12:35 AM
They make 20kg cement bags? :confused: :eek: Never, ever seen them up here.
Mick (with the crook back from lifting heavy stuff, including 40kg bags :rolleyes: )
22nd September 2005, 08:30 AM
I dont see what the problem Mum had an old Kenwood mixer that I reckon could handle a few loads of cement.
I'll get her to try for a 40kg load in the Kenwood, may just work :D :D :D
Which frees up the mixer for pancakes :rolleyes:
22nd September 2005, 09:04 AM
Up and at em early thismorning, 'before you go' sayeth she, 'can you set up the mixmaster?' OK, no problems.
We don't have a mixmaster but we do have a Kenwood Chef which I (wrongfully) assumed was what she meant.
SWMBO is outside for about 1/2 an hour feeding horses then bursts in, 'where is it' .......I dutifully point at the kitchen bench, 'how can I concrete the path with that?'.
Oh woe am I, I should have realised that she meant set up the concrete mixer.
Why am I so stupid as not to realise that this was what she meant :o
Ian, perhaps this explains the scones that are as hard as concrete!:D
22nd September 2005, 05:27 PM
I just ordered a bag of 'cement' at about $55 for the 25kg.
Well, it is good for about 1800 degrees...
I wish the bags were 25kg when I was working in a hardware shop. Dragging them from the back to the front wasn't exactly enjoyable.
I kinda wondered what some people driving Jags and Mercs were thinking about when buying concrete though...
Kev Y.
22nd September 2005, 10:21 PM
Way to go Rosemary :p :p :p
I always KNEW you were the BRAINS of the outfit :p :p