View Full Version : Locked Keys in Car

15th July 2017, 10:15 AM
First I had to work late.
Then I discovered that I'd locked my keys in the car.
But the last straw was learning that roadside service couldn't get a locksmith to me for at least two hours.

Finally the guy showed, looking tired and annoyed.
As he struggled with my door, I joked,
"Do those Slim Jim tools come in purse-size?"

"Yeah," he muttered. "They're called keys."

Sawdust Maker
15th July 2017, 10:45 AM
Years ago I helped a chap break into his HR Holden with two bits of bent coat hanger and the quarter vent window.

after we got the door open I gave him the wire and suggested he keep them in the glove box in case it happened again...

15th July 2017, 11:31 AM
Some years ago I was at the local ag show and was about to leave when I saw a lady quite distressed, said her keys were locked in the car in the ignition. Looked at all the doors and the drivers door was the only one locked....no, she wasn't blond

KBs PensNmore
15th July 2017, 02:08 PM
I've locked the keys in the car several times myself, ended up pulling the top of the door far enough out to slip my arm through the gap to hook the knob, then push the top of the door back into place. I now carry a spare key in my wallet.
I had to replace a drivers window on a soft top Suzuki Sierra once, they couldn't get into the car, so they broke the window, instead of unzipping the back window and climbing in. :doh:

15th July 2017, 02:19 PM
Drove down to the gate with the dog in the car. Got out to open the gate and when I returned to the car I was greeted by the dog standing on the top of the door frame with her feet planted firmly on the lock button. :oo:

The walk back to the house is a long one as I'm about to head off I remembered that I had cracked the passenger window open for the dog to sniff the air. Managed to get the window down enough to unlock the door.

I now turn off the car and remove the keys whenever I leave the dog in the car. :B

15th July 2017, 02:20 PM
There will never be a shortage of Darwin Award candidates

15th July 2017, 02:47 PM
BCP, (Before Cell Phones) I was at the mall when a teen walked up asking if I could help. She said that the battery in her car key had died and she couldn't get into the car. I asked for the key and walked up to the car, inserted the key into the lock and unlocked the car. As I handed the key back she said, "What will they think of next."

15th July 2017, 05:48 PM
Some years ago, a mate (also work colleague) & I had Holden cars, about 5 years difference in age but with the same locks. It wasn't uncommon, after parties that we'd both been at, for one or both of us to return to our car to find it loaded up with empty bottles, or find condoms hidden where our respective wives were likely to find them, or all the seats & mirrors readjusted.

50 years later, we're still mates.

Twisted Tenon
15th July 2017, 05:53 PM
I knew a kid in the early 90's who could open Ford Lasers by thumping the door in a certain spot. He was a car thief.


15th July 2017, 07:25 PM
I've locked the keys in the car several times myself, ended up pulling the top of the door far enough out to slip my arm through the gap to hook the knob, then push the top of the door back into place. I now carry a spare key in my wallet.
I had to replace a drivers window on a soft top Suzuki Sierra once, they couldn't get into the car, so they broke the window, instead of unzipping the back window and climbing in. :doh:

gees that would make me Kryn G

KBs PensNmore
15th July 2017, 11:34 PM
That's how I got named, when I was born my father said for Kryn out loud.:doh:

16th July 2017, 05:19 AM
In the early seventies I had gotten a new job. Some training was required so to the Boston area I went. Picked up a rental car and all was cool. The rental car was some nondescript bottom of the line thing that I can't even remember what brand or model.

After about 3 weeks and on a Sunday morning I was getting breakfast at a local restaurant. After breakfast I'm ready to go back to the plant and do some homework on the computer systems for class next week. Oh, look! There is my Chevrolet Caprice station wagon. I pull out my house and car keys, unlock the door, get in and turn the ignition on. But wait, where are the baby shoes hanging from the rear view mirror? OH, POOP! this isn't my car. My car is home in Pittsburgh. I quietly got out and locked the door, found my rental car and went to the plant to do homework.

The scary thing was that everything was the same, Make, Model, Color and Key Code. Just thinking about it today is scary.

16th July 2017, 06:41 PM
At work one evening, a distressed staff member came to me. She had locked the keys in the car and the engine was running.
I noticed the rear window was shattered but intact, so gave it a tap with a hammer to break the glass and then open the door.

The car I currently drive has no visible key locks on the doors. I believe there is one, but you need a tool (key or screwdriver) to access.

16th July 2017, 11:21 PM
I knew a kid in the early 90's who could open Ford Lasers by thumping the door in a certain spot. He was a car thief.


Must be a Ford thing, i use to be able to open my locked 78 Ford Cortina in the 90's by doing the same thing.

I locked my keys in the car, and got a little annoyed and thumped the door near the lock, and it unlocked, after getting my keys out i kept trying, and there is a certain spot.

Also, when i had a VK Commodore, that car key use to be able to open VB, VC and VL's. (it was good as a party trick)

so much for having a lockable car..

Twisted Tenon
17th July 2017, 01:34 AM
Must be a Ford thing, i use to be able to open my locked 78 Ford Cortina in the 90's by doing the same thing.

I locked my keys in the car, and got a little annoyed and thumped the door near the lock, and it unlocked, after getting my keys out i kept trying, and there is a certain spot.

Also, when i had a VK Commodore, that car key use to be able to open VB, VC and VL's. (it was good as a party trick)

so much for having a lockable car..

Wouldn't surprise me, I had a MK2 many years ago, it was tinny. He could only do Lasers as far as I knew. His speciality was Porsche's.


KBs PensNmore
17th July 2017, 02:14 AM
At least he had a bit of class.

17th July 2017, 07:28 AM
Wouldn't surprise me, I had a MK2 many years ago, it was tinny. He could only do Lasers as far as I knew. His speciality was Porsche's.


i can't condone, stealing cars, but i would imagine if you had a Porsche at that time, you were a corporate crook, so it evens out:rolleyes: (before anyone gets upset, not all corporations are crooks)

What surprises me is that it would work, time after time, must have been a design flaw.

But what really annoyed me, is even though my commodore key could open other commodores, at parties, i found out that people with their commodore keys could sometimes open mine as well.

Thats just poor keying effort from Holden, id hate to know how many people took advantage of this.

17th July 2017, 05:16 PM
I think it was a pommy Ford Fiesta, or maybe some small Vauxhall that once you were in you could start the car by pulling out the hazard switch block and turning it upside down and re inserting...

The Top Gear guys did it once.

I used to have a BMW with a 4 digit code that needed to be input before it would start, pretty leading edge back then......it turned out by smashing the taillight and removing a globe the crooks could read the code!..