View Full Version : Tung oil over Osmo

4th July 2017, 07:19 PM

I'm making a coffee table out of some recycled stringy bark wharf timber. I gave Osmo Polyx-Oil Clear Matt a go. I'm not over the moon with the results and are going to go back to the old faithful FW Tung Oil. There's no way I can completely sand off the Osmo because the timber has grooves which it has gone into. Do I need to sand it at all, I put Tung Oil over polyurethane once and it worked fine, would this be the same case?

Anything I need to be aware of?

17th July 2017, 05:14 AM
Sorry Twist, I didn't see this before. I can't see a problem with Tung Oil over the Osmo, but I would sand back the timber anyway.

You may be interested in my means of finishing, using Hard Burnishing oil. The cracks shouldn't interfere with the final result, but you may have to wear a little bit of finish variation.

Anyway, look here (http://damnfinefurniture.net) for the method. Good luck.

