View Full Version : Ammonia fuming Vic ash

Enfield Guy
15th May 2017, 07:59 PM
I want to have a play with Ammonia fuming a few species, Vic Ash being one. Does anyone on here have experience they would like to share?

I understand that "cloudy ammonia" from the supermarket is not the product to use. A little research tell s I am looking for Ammonium Hydroxide 25% as a minimum and there may be a need to apply a generous strong cold tea solution to get a decent effect.

Thoughts please.


16th May 2017, 09:04 AM
How ironical, I am currently refurbishing and extending a kitchen that is tassie oak. I was talking to the local kitchen manufacturer yesterday and we were discussing this very topic.
I have only ever seen this done once and that was when I was an apprentice back in the last century when we did a big bank extension and the architect required the tassie oak be treated with ammonia.
Unfortunately I cant remember the exact product used but I will experiment when I get the additional new doors for the kitchen.

Big Shed
16th May 2017, 10:16 AM
Back in the day we did some experiments with fuming Australian native species vs American Oak. From memory the American Oak, various species, responded much better to fuming than any of the Australian natives we tested.

Here is some additional info to peruse


clear out
16th May 2017, 03:40 PM
Blackwood darkens up appreciably when fumed.
I ll post a pic of something I made and fumed years ago when I get home from TAFE this evening.
I may still have the container of ammonia, will see what's on it.
Put whatever you want to fume in a sealed container with the ammonia in a dish or bowl in with it.
Depending on how long you leave it as to how much it darkens it.
The effect is more than surface goes in a few mm.
I took a big sniff of a freshly opened large container and basically collapsed so be careful if it's high strength stuff.

Enfield Guy
16th May 2017, 04:42 PM
Thanks Jokers

Yeah I understand this risks well. In a previous life I managed logistics and warehousing. I have good knowledge of DG's.

I look forward to seeing what you have to see.
