View Full Version : Old Wattyl Natural Teak Oil (Scandinavian)

1st May 2017, 03:45 PM
Does a unopened tin go off?

After reading a few positive reviews on here I decided it was time to give Wattyl Natural Teak Oil (Scandinavian) a go. My local supplier no longer stocks it but they did have a tin from 2008 which they sold me at cost. It's never been opened so I presume it should be fine right?

Also, it says on the tin to apply 2 coats of Wattyl Estapol Matt prior to the Teak oil, this seems odd to me. Anyone have an opinion on whether this is necessary?

I was planning to solely use the Teak Oil and give Rob's friction seal technique a go. (friction seal starting with 400g and move up to 1200-2000g. As you go add oil to the base of each consecutive sanding pad and also dab some on the timber. When finished wipe the excess slurry from the timber with a clean rag. You should have a well polished look and a very smooth feel.)


1st May 2017, 05:06 PM
Hi Twist,

Scandinavian Oil (Wattyl) was the first oil I used for hard burnishing, so it should give you a good finish. For burnishing, you need to stay away from oils with thickeners in them. I really liked the Wattyl product, but moving to Hard Burnishing oil was a great step up. When you use the oil, you will develop a slurry which will become quite thick as you move through the grits. If the sander stops moving due to the amount of slurry you have, wipe off the stuff on the pad and try again. Give the piece a really good rub down and there you go!
I don't think it goes off, maybe try the method out before attacking the table?

Any problems, let me know.



1st May 2017, 05:19 PM
Thanks Rob,

I can see me progressing to HBO after this project, this was more to give me an idea of whether I'm a fan of burnishing.