View Full Version : How do you slice foam rubber?

10th April 2017, 03:49 PM
I have a lot of thick foam rubber that I want to slice up to use as cushions. I'm wondering if anyone knows a neat and accurate DIY way to slice it.

The particular problem is, for example, starting with a 600x600x100 block and cutting it down to 600x600x75. I'm not talking about cutting vertically through the 100mm height, I can do that no problem.


10th April 2017, 04:00 PM
Bandsaw , electric kitchen knife, (only thing they are good for) or very expensive jigsaw specifically set up for slicing foam rubber

joe greiner
10th April 2017, 05:25 PM
They're too big (~2ft sq) for a bandsaw or an electric knife.

I see two options:
1. Re-design to use 100.
2. Sell the 100s and buy 75s.


Chief Tiff
10th April 2017, 07:39 PM
I think option 2 would be best.

However; if you had to use what you have and have your own 12" bandsaw then chop it into four quarters (300 X 300 X 100), resaw to 75mm thick and then glue the quarters back into one piece using a really thin smear of contact cement. If it's going to be a cushion then no-one will see or feel the joints.

Bandsaw blades for cutting foam don't have teeth, they're just a knife blade. If you have an old blunt blade you could cut the teeth off and grind an edge on it.

Wood Collector
10th April 2017, 08:15 PM
hot knife?

10th April 2017, 10:36 PM
Hot wire cutter, simple to build. Just need a wire (guitar string works well), a frame for the wire, power supply. Silicon Chip had instructions on how to build one, so shouldn't be hard to find.

10th April 2017, 11:00 PM
Japanese marking knife http://www.woodworkforums.com/f111/japanese-woodworking-marking-knife-212587-post2017588#post2017588

Robson Valley
11th April 2017, 02:06 AM
Freeze the foam block. Fine tooth bread knife. Get some proper foam rubber contact cement, it looks like green syrup. From upholstery shops/hot rod & boat builders.

12th April 2017, 09:16 PM
It is easy. No fuss. As others have said, an electric carving knife (very inexpensive second hand) cuts foam really well. It will cut close to 300 mm. Mark your line all around the block (unfortunately woodworking tools not much good here) and cut all the way around. IF there is any uncut material in the centre foam (unlike wood) is delightfully flexible - bend it out of the way and slice though the remainder.

13th April 2017, 08:27 PM
Ok, thanks for the replies.

lots of good guidance there.
