View Full Version : One Of Those Days

11th September 2005, 01:19 PM
We got in the car to go to Woodborers Barby at 10am.
Battery totally flat not even a glimmer of life.
Clean out the ute in a hurry.
Just about to leave,
Grand Daughter turns up unexpectedly needing a lift home.
Do that.
Set off munching on a bit of kabana.
Sheryl becomes ill from the kabana.
Abandon trip at 11.45 and go home.
We had only got a few k's from home in that hour and 3/4.

Sorry all, that we didnt get there

Auld Bassoon
11th September 2005, 06:32 PM
Sorry to have missed you Bob.

Good day, but a tad glacial outside.

Catch you another time.


PS picked up some nice Blackwood & a wee chunk of sheoak. Should be good for dinnerhttp://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon10.gif

Cliff Rogers
12th September 2005, 12:53 AM
Yeah, pity we missed you Bob.

Auld, that little piece is Flame Sheoak or Hairy Bark Oak.

Wood Borer
12th September 2005, 09:03 AM
Sorry to hear of your problems Bob, even though the weather was dicey, quite a few rolled up to see if Cliff looks like his avatar. ;)

We look forward to catching up with you another time.

12th September 2005, 11:35 AM
The ultimate waste was that I had a shave for the event!!!

Wood Borer
12th September 2005, 02:29 PM
I didn't have a shave but then I have a beard.

I am not sure whether Al shaved or not - he was wearing long trousers. :D

12th September 2005, 07:24 PM
We didn't even notice with the embelishments on the apron :D :D :D
Didn't even get a piccy :mad:

Auld Bassoon
12th September 2005, 07:28 PM
And everyone was too taken with the Zed and Grunt Dopplegangers - not to mention the "trouser dog"...

Cliff: thanks for the update: I knew that you'd said it was ...sheoak - but couln't remember quite what.


12th September 2005, 07:29 PM
I didn't have a shave but then I have a beard.

I am not sure whether Al shaved or not - he was wearing long trousers. :D

I did, I did.
You lot wouldnt let me get all naked, whats wrong with you lot?? :D

Al :o

12th September 2005, 07:32 PM
We didn't even notice with the embelishments on the apron :D :D :D
Didn't even get a piccy :mad:

I dont need a piccy, its bunt into my brain, Im scared for life, life, I tell ya.

Al :eek:

Iain, do you have any piccys to add to the Sothern post.

Auld Bassoon
12th September 2005, 07:32 PM
I did, I did.
You lot wouldnt let me get all naked, whats wrong with you lot?? :D

Al :o
Al, we were trying to eathttp://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon10.gif


12th September 2005, 07:33 PM
, even though the weather was dicey,.

No it wasnt!!
Normal spring day.......

Al :eek:

12th September 2005, 07:34 PM
Iain, do you have any piccys to add to the Sothern post.
Yep, just haven't downloaded yet, I'll do it after dinner.
This post or a new one????????

12th September 2005, 07:53 PM
not to mention the "trouser dog"...

And I thought that I was the only one with a set of grippers. :D Gee that dog held on and on and on and on until it was satisfied. :eek:
