View Full Version : You dirty old man
10th September 2005, 08:12 PM
You dirty old man.....
No not me!!!!
Take a look at this piccy from 1890.
She must be all of 14 years old.
On the back of the photo it says. " Mother and Dads wedding photo April 1890.
Al :eek:
Auld Bassoon
10th September 2005, 08:24 PM
You dirty old man.....
No not me!!!!
Take a look at this piccy from 1890.
She must be all of 14 years old.
On the back of the photo it says. " Mother and Dads wedding photo April 1890.
Al :eek:
Great set of old lithos and phots that yoy have there OzW!
And yes, you're right, she does look a tad young - and she's standing whilst he's sitting. They had their values straight in those days, eh?
10th September 2005, 09:56 PM
Catch 'em young & teach 'em tricks. :D
While chasing up some family history a few years ago, I was sent some info that showed a wedding, bride was early 20's, wedding was on grooms 15th birthday. Thought it must have been a mistake, but lady who sent it to me (grooms grandaughter) said no "he was a bit promiscuous", they had to get special permission to get married when he turned 15 as the bride was pregnant.
11th September 2005, 12:18 AM
Um.......Al you'va got far toooooooooooo muuuuccccchhhhhhhh spare time!!!!
.................Slap the foilie back on with ya Forum cap for some added protection and for gods sake!!! banish yourself to some shed time!!!!!
.................Ozzie ozzie ozzie OY! OY! OY!
REgards Lou:D:D:D
13th September 2005, 01:24 PM
Al's photo is a fake. This is the original version...
Wood Borer
13th September 2005, 02:16 PM
The bloke's face looks familiar - is it just possible one of his descendants is a Victorian into selling lathes, fittings and UBeaut waxes? :D
13th September 2005, 05:17 PM
Now, if someone coulkd insert a Boxer and a Gorilla...................