View Full Version : Rubio Monocoat

21st March 2017, 02:10 PM
I came across this product yesterday from an Instagram user that i Follow. It sounds very interesting and almost too good to be true but I've also read a number of good reviews online. They seem to use it on floors a fair bit too.

It's a single coating oil with no VOCs and it cures enough in 24hrs for foot traffic.

It supposedly chemically bonds to the first few microns of the wood surface so the wood retains it's look and feel but stays protected and it can be repaired easily without overlap marks.

I'll be doing some new timber flooring in a few months and I'm considering using it. Has anyone handled the stuff? Thoughts?

It looks to be available in Oz too, Rubio MonoCoat (http://www.rubiomonocoat.com.au/)

Enfield Guy
21st March 2017, 04:13 PM
I'd be interested to trial it. I've sent them an email.

23rd March 2017, 02:20 PM
Yeah i'm going to get some to try out too, the hard thing to gauge is how well it wears on high contact areas....like floors. It's pretty new by the looks of things so there isn't a lot of evidence to go around.