View Full Version : Well Planned?

2nd March 2017, 10:32 AM
A guy planned a heist down to the last detail. The plan was to hold
up an armored car as it made its pickup at a bowling alley.

When the car arrived, he rushed up to the driver, flashed a gun and
screamed, "Give it up!" The startled driver looked around inside the
vehicle and finally handed the stupid criminal a large sack.

Unfortunately, instead of holding up an armored car he had robbed a
laundry truck. The sack contained a bunch of dirty mop heads.

Proof that criminals are not rocket scientists.

5th March 2017, 02:12 PM
Years ago a book was published "Book of heroic failures" one story.... from France , guy goes into a bank with Bull mastiff dog, threatens staff, demands money and as leaving says...." anyone moves and the dog attacks" and duly makes his escape. The police arrive take one look at the dog and yell...."F off you bl****y dog, go home". The dog takes off and two police follow .... dog runs home scratches on kitchen door, is let in by owner who is quietly counting / courting his his (mis)fortune.

I read it in book so presume its a true story.

joe greiner
5th March 2017, 04:03 PM
Well, now it's on the internet, so it MUST be true.

5th March 2017, 05:13 PM
Wow, just did a goirgle search and its still available, well maybe a newer version with more stories about stupid people, yikes wonder if I'am in there somewhere

7th March 2017, 09:27 AM
Anything is possible with Dr. Google