View Full Version : Typo it would be good to fix
21st February 2017, 01:00 PM
I have just noticed that in the forums drop down list the heading of the Finishing and Restoration box has a mis-spelling of "Resoration" i.e. missing the "t"
The forum itself has the correct spelling, it is just the drop-down list.
Maybe an admin or someone else who can edit the lists would like to fix that sometime?
KBs PensNmore
21st February 2017, 11:14 PM
Mr Pedantic, dun't ya lice spealling missteaks???
joe greiner
22nd February 2017, 05:09 PM
Might be a deliberate "error" to trap copyright violations, although I'm not sure how it would work here. Tricks like this are used elsewhere.
23rd February 2017, 12:01 AM
Well done David. Only taken around 3 years for anyone to pick that one up or at least bring it up.
Give that man a cigar.
23rd February 2017, 03:20 PM
It is well-known amongst proof-readers that the easiest mistakes to miss are in headings because we all take them for granted. Yes, Kyrn, I have a strong pedantic streak, it's true - being a scientist and writing papers that are peer-reviewed makes one very careful about such things. Some such reviewers have been known to can a paper because of typos - now they are truly pedantic IMHO.The fact that it took me 3 years to notice shows how rusty my skills are now that I no longer publish such things.
23rd February 2017, 06:56 PM
It is well-known amongst proof-readers that the easiest mistakes to miss are in headings because we all take them for granted. Yes, Kyrn, I have a strong pedantic streak, it's true - being a scientist and writing papers that are peer-reviewed makes one very careful about such things. Some such reviewers have been known to can a paper because of typos - now they are truly pedantic IMHO.The fact that it took me 3 years to notice shows how rusty my skills are now that I no longer publish such things.
It also doesn't hurt the quality of his woodwork, Kynr, or mine either. :D It's no wonder we all make so many mistakes!
Thanks for the laugh David, I'm still cacking myself.