View Full Version : Repliconics - Trevor Jones has passed away
Big Shed
30th January 2017, 09:48 AM
One our members, Keth_1, received the sad news of Trevors' passing today.
A sad loss indeed.
I would like to take this opportunity to offer my condolensces to his family, in particular to his son Tayne.
Trevor will be sorely missed on this forum, his contributions were wide and varied and I am sure our members have learned a lot from them.
RIP Trevor
30th January 2017, 10:08 AM
Keith, that is just so sad. I know how close you were and how much you two looked out for each other, the World will be a sadder place without him.
Sawdust Maker
30th January 2017, 10:21 AM
A nice chap
30th January 2017, 10:23 AM
Rest in Peace good friend Trevor Jones 405187
You are a good mate, someone whom many, including me admired & respected very much...THANK YOU, Trev!
Keith, I feel your loss as you two had a special friendship, Peter
30th January 2017, 10:26 AM
What a shock!!! Even though I hadn't met Trev in the flesh we swapped Emails a few times as well as seeing the photos of his Tasmania. It felt like I had known him.
Can my condolences be forwarded on to his family.
30th January 2017, 11:07 AM
RIP Trev. You will be missed.
30th January 2017, 12:10 PM
Keith, that is just so sad. I know how close you were and how much you two looked out for each other, the World will be a sadder place without him.
Thanks Fletty,
We talked every Monday night about EVERYTHING - 3 hour stints every Monday - An Absolute Legend - What more can be said ?
Charlie (to Trev) Keith to everyone else
30th January 2017, 12:25 PM
Thanks Fletty,
We talked every Monday night about EVERYTHING - 3 hour stints every Monday - An Absolute Legend - What more can be said ?
Charlie (to Trev) Keith to everyone else
One damn fine bloke in so many ways our Trevor....405196
30th January 2017, 12:32 PM
That picture above will always be one of my favourites.
Thx Crowie
Turning Wood into Art
30th January 2017, 12:55 PM
Trevor - the LEGEND in so many ways
Rest In Peace mate
30th January 2017, 01:15 PM
Very sad news. Condolences to all his friends and family that might be reading.
30th January 2017, 01:28 PM
A year of wrens and so much more. You hold a special place in my heart both on and off the forum Trev. You've touched many hearts and I have no doubt you have been an inspiration to thousands. May you live on in your works for others to know, admire and love.
With Taynes permission I hope I still get to visit your shed and stay at 'Dave's Place'
Turning Wood into Art
30th January 2017, 02:16 PM
My condolences,
To Trevor's family and son.
I will miss the fantastic builds.
I never met Trevor in person,
but I only ever heard kind words spoken of him.
30th January 2017, 02:40 PM
Rest in Peace, Trev
Your photos, both on your Ravenswood and other Tassie thread, along with the associated banter brightened many a day for me.
my sincere condolences to your family and many friends.
30th January 2017, 03:46 PM
I only met Trevor once, but I took an instant shine to him. He was hard not to like and of course larger than life itself.
His capacity to share was enormous and I hardly have to espouse praise here for his talent. His ability to fashion something from nothing was, and still is, legendary: In fact his epic threads detailing his endeavours will fortunately be with us always.
The timeless phrase from John Donne always comes to mind at times such as these:
"Never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee."
But hell, it has tolled way, way too soon for Trev!
My condolences to Trev's family: He will be sorely missed.
Chris Parks
30th January 2017, 03:52 PM
Such tragic news, he had so much more to do in life with those huge skills he had and it has all been cut short and we have lost a true friend if only on the internet where we all met. A damn fine bloke sums it up.
30th January 2017, 04:42 PM
Gone but will not be forgotten to Trev;s family condolences.
Trev you gave so much inspiration the WiP's the photo's thanks. On Saturday Sue & I were taking more motorbike photos for you.:C
A big hole will be felt on this forum.
30th January 2017, 05:57 PM
I was talking to Fletty earlier as we acknowledge Trevor spent most of his time behind the camera. Here are a few more pics of the man. Even his introduction to the lathe.
Turning Wood into Art
30th January 2017, 07:02 PM
Truly so sad. Trev has been a huge inspiration to my woodwork and my amateur photography. I have been looking for his posts daily for a couple of years now as I am sure so have many other forumites.
RIP Trev
30th January 2017, 07:34 PM
I'm another who never met Trevor personally but was touched by his genius with his builds.
A sad day for the forum and his family, my condolences to them.
30th January 2017, 07:57 PM
Trevors Indian
Well now where do I start
I know an Indian bike with many a part
But hell, where to find all the bits
Maybe to the recyclers and rubbish tips
The motor looks tricky so that’s the first
Much head scratching and inspiration in bursts
MDF, nuts and bolts from past uses unknown
Even a credit card into the mix is thrown
As time went by and the Indian grew
His postings gathered an admiring crew
With humour and good banter
Many offered help with a ready answer
The word began to spread
As many in amazement scratched their head
To follow this work of a craftsman
All done at two third scale without a plan
With Crowie and Dave TTC longing for a ride
In his work Trevor takes much pride
But as Trevor of late has said
All this I have done without a decent shed
With photos and MS paint along the way
Such detail has many stare in dismay
For many an eye will never know
That this masterpiece will never go
To each of us much joy he has given
Like all great artists he has a passion
As the creative juices ebb and flow
With anticipation we saw the Indian grow
As Trevor has said in posts past
This Indian will not be the last
Into my mix of bikes I will throw
Another one , the renowned Brough
And as we neared the end of this build
With our curiosity waiting to be filled
We applaud you for your talents rare
We thank you too for letting us share
So we the undersigned do declare
This work of art so very rare
From mundane junk the ability to make
Leaves many an artisan in your wake
The following is a sample of what he referred to as raw materials which he refined
Aluminium can
Ball point pens
Belt from vacuum cleaner
Bicycle spokes
Bicycle wheels
Body filler
Car brake line
Coffee tin lid
Copper pipe
Corn flakes box
Fencing wire
Fibre glass
Garden hose reel
Handle of a feather duster
Handle of old washing trolley Imagination
Metal curtain rod
Metal clothes horse
Old credit card
Old electrical parts from a car
Old vinyl jacket
Part of a broom handle
Pieces from a base ball bat
Plastic imitation crystal tray
Plastic measuring cup
Power cord from an old iron
PVC pipe
Tea leaf strainer
Throat of a vase
Twist tires from bread loaf
Vicks inhaler
Wire from a 1930’s radio
Wooden spoon
In appreciation from Woodwork Forums
30th January 2017, 08:20 PM
And here's the photo of Trev receiving and reading Ray ditty.....
30th January 2017, 08:20 PM
I will miss Trev's photos
I will miss Trev's ingenuity
I will miss Trev's attention to detail
But most of all I will miss Trev's honesty
30th January 2017, 08:21 PM
fletty kindly rang me this morning with this dreadful news. Lola and I are just shocked, and send our condolences to his family and friends. A near genius creative soul taken way before his time should have been up.
We met Trev for the first time at DaveTTC's first Jerilderie FGT in 2014, and we both took an instant really big shine to him (as did everyone I think, and Lola & I are very attracted to left fielders). Later that year he undertook the massive drive from Mildura to here (Katoomba, just west of Sydney) for one of our FGTs, and we were humbled that he would come from so very far to be with us all.
Just a damned fine human being, who had come to terms with the hand that was dealt to him (high functioning Autistic spectrum, which explains his amazing attention to minute detail) and then made the most of it. Like us, Trev had no problem with people knowing what his so-called disability was. In his case, like us, it was actually viewed as an ability to be used. We had some excellent discussions about mental health issues, and how to wring the best out of them - turn them into positive, rather than labour under a weight (well, most of the time).
What a hoot of a guy - you took Trev as you found him - and we really liked what we found!
Vale old mate, go well. They may not have any MDF scraps where you end up, but I'd be very sure you'll find a way around that. You will certainly be sadly missed here.
This is a message from Lola (she's typing):
Hi guys, it's sad to come home to the news of Trev's passing. Today at work my colleagues and I had a conversation about learning disabilities and how NOT being a neurotypical doesn't necessarily impair a learning process. Case in point: Trev. I briefed my colleagues about his enormous talent at what he did and how he managed to learn what he was interested in better than most (and this was just a few hours ago - spooky).
I will cherish his points of view on life in general, and his sense of humour in particular.
Trev, a talent, a dad, a friend. My thoughts are with his sons and his friends.
30th January 2017, 08:31 PM
I never met Trevor in person,but I only ever heard kind words spoken of him.
Sad that you missed that treat Matt - I believe he was right up your street.
30th January 2017, 08:52 PM
Hearing this news is far worse than hearing of the passing of a well known and respected celebrity (I guess that was him anyway). I only even met Trev once and that occasion he left memories of a fantastic bloke with so much talent and diverse knowledge that many of us could only dream of aspiring to. His respect and appreciation for everything that nature has provided, and respect for anyone he considered has tried to do the right thing in life will never be forgotten.
We will all miss his marvelous talents here on the forum, whether it be his photography or his builds, his legend will live on.
I am sure his name will get mentioned quite a few times when something extraordinary is posted.
My condolences to all Trev's family especially Tayne, and all the people he has touched during his amazing life.
There's not many like him. RIP Trev.
30th January 2017, 09:44 PM
Sad that you missed that treat Matt - I believe he was right up your street.
Thanks Brett
30th January 2017, 11:09 PM
What can I say that has not already been said.
Add me to the list of those who have never met Trev in person but have been touched and inspired by his genius.
I loved reading his threads.
Rip Trev
31st January 2017, 06:32 AM
His threads really showed what is possible with bits and pieces other people throw in the garbage can. Amazing attention to detail and he did everything to show how he did it. Not to brag, but to teach and document for other people. Now, wherever he is, he can show all of them what he has made, and he has all the right to brag about it.
You will be missed both on and off the forum.
31st January 2017, 11:48 AM
I have not been on much lately and come on to find this very sad news of Trev, I would also like to send my condolences from this side of the globe.
He was a fantastic model maker and could always see a part for one of his fantastic creations from the smallest of pieces that many would throw into the bin, He will certainly be missed here in the toymaking section of the forum.
Rest in peace Trev
31st January 2017, 07:48 PM
NO! I can't believe it.
Trevor, all the meandering, scintillating, giggle-inducing conversations we were yet to have.
You were even going to be a must-do visit when we eventually get to Tassie - on our honeymoon no less!
You leave a big hole in the lives of many.
From your learned friend, the professor
To Tayne, I know you and I didn't meet but your Dad made life a hoot for many of us and we are thankful that we had some precious time with him. Our most heart-heavy condolences go to you.
31st January 2017, 11:32 PM
Not much I can add to this tribute. I'm deeply shocked. How sad.
I too met Trev in 2014 in Gerildery and he came to visit me twice here in Bendigo. I corresponded with him often and spoke on the phone a few times.
Lola wrapped up how he took the hand that was dealt him and used it to his advantage in imagining and learning things most of us can't - and made him an outstanding human being.
Whoever has contact with Tayne, please pass on all the condolences assembled here. He needs to know how many lives his dad has touched. He has his own hand of unusual cards to play....
31st January 2017, 11:58 PM
RIP Trev. You will be missed.
On top of all that has been said, I loved how you just got stuck into what you were doing.
No procrastinating, no over thinking and no problem if you had to redo it and make it even better.
Something I can definitely learn from.
I also loved how you made the most of what you had.
Both materially and as a person.
No excuses.
I'm sure I'm not alone in taking something away from that.
1st February 2017, 11:29 AM
What a shock, Trev Thank you for your inspiration and sharing with all of us your amazing talents, may you rest in peace.
1st February 2017, 01:09 PM
I never met Trev but enjoyed seeing his work. May he rest in peace.
2nd February 2017, 02:36 PM
Along with Trev's amazing model building skills he was also a bit of a world expert on Siegley Planes.
He had amassed a beautiful collection of planes and built a wonderful display box.
Here are some of my favourite threads to remind us of his achievements:
Here is the beautiful display chest he built:
4th February 2017, 07:34 AM
It has been a little while since I was on the forum and just found this thread.
I am shocked by this news I will miss his banter in the threads that he participate in. As others have mentioned it was easy to like Trevor when you met him in person.
My condolences to his family.
5th February 2017, 05:59 PM
I think Trevor would have loved this.
Cheers Matt
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
6th February 2017, 05:44 PM
Along with Trev's amazing model building skills he was also a bit of a world expert on Siegley Planes.
He had amassed a beautiful collection of planes and built a wonderful display box.
Here are some of my favourite threads to remind us of his achievements:
Here is the beautiful display chest he built:
WOW blown away I must have been locked out from those posts.
6th February 2017, 07:20 PM
I've just been looking at the last few posts that have gone up. Trev was a member since 2013!! and...he posted 2226 times!!! No wonder we will miss his input.
In my own mind I had assumed he had been a member for a lot longer
He may be gone, but he will be lingering on for a long time yet when we go over his posts.
7th February 2017, 04:25 PM
Also remember that Trevor was on the Collectors program on the ABC. Search for it to remember our mate.
7th February 2017, 05:38 PM
Was just browsing the forum and came across this very sad news, cant believe it.
I was not one of the lucky ones who met him in person and only knew Trev through this forum, but his Indian build was always my first port of call when logging on to check his progress on this amazing creation.
Condolences to his family and his many friends, he will be missed.
Mr Brush
7th February 2017, 08:58 PM
Collectors: Trash Models (24/09/2010) (
Amazing stuff......
31st March 2017, 09:50 PM
I was in town the other day getting bread at the local Bakers Delight and as I started back up the street I saw a couple blokes with leathers enjoying a coffee.
I looked across to the spare chair to see a new Indian Jacket draped over it and then to the street to see a new Indian Motorbike.
I commented "nice bike" and the owner was pleased to receive the complement.
I then asked if like to see a restored 1920's bike to which he and his mate eagerly said YES.
I showed them Trevor's bike and the were agog at the detail and finish,
BUT the jaw drop came when I showed them this photo!!
They could believe it was a 2/3's model....
1st April 2017, 10:10 AM
Nice Crowie. I was just showing some pictures of the Indian this last week too.
In Jerilderie this weekend. Miss having him around. He was a part of my morning ritual
Turning Wood into Art
6th April 2017, 07:19 PM
Thanks for the Link on Trev's TV appearance we had not seen it.
Like Crowie or similar to at a recent show n shine swap meet a number of bikes Trev had made scale models of were present.
Then with birds visiting our back yard or verg behind the mind wanders to the fantastic photo's Trev use to take. So we grab the camera also.
7th May 2017, 08:09 PM
It's happened again with another Indian Motor Bike owner...
I was in town today and saw a couple of Indian Motor Bikes parked in the main street; a very old one and a new one.
After taking a couple of photos, I showed the riders Trevor's Indian, with the reply:
What a beautiful bike, immaculate detail, be well over $100,000.00 to buy bike of that standard....
Then I showed the photo of the bike with the Jerilderie mob behind it, they were absolutely dump founded.
Love it Trevor!!
You're still being joy to others!!
Cheers, Peter
7th May 2017, 08:14 PM
I was showing that photo off and a pic of Trevor just last week at work
The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art
7th May 2017, 09:34 PM
Motorcycle racing returns to Sellicks Beach, South Australia.
And I'm sure Trevor would have loved to attend this event!!
Beach motorcycle racing, as depicted in The World’s Fastest Indian, is set make a long-awaited return to one Australian state with a strong motorsport history.
The Levis Motorcycle Club ( will host the two-day classic event at Sellicks Beach, South Australia, on February 18-19, 2017.
A field of 110 motorcycles manufactured before 1963 have entered to race across five classes – under 125cc through to 501cc – 1300cc.
Sidecar races will also be held.
The oldest motorcycle club in South Australia began beach racing in the 1920s and held annual Sellicks Beach Speed Trials in summer through to 1953.
Re-enactments were held in 1986 and 1992 but regular races have not taken place on the beach for more than 60 years.
Beach racing era for classic and vintage motorcycles revived at Sellicks Beach - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) (
15th October 2017, 08:47 AM
Just thought of Trevor today as it's his birthday on Tuesday...
Miss him and his creative wizardry...
Long live the Junk Master Artisan, the miracle worker with bogg....
RIP in good friend!
15th October 2017, 08:49 AM
Yes I go along with your thoughts Pete.
What got him? Was it cancer? It was surely very quick
Chris Parks
15th October 2017, 11:05 AM
Yes, much missed and this earth is a poorer place for his leaving us.
15th October 2017, 12:55 PM
Hope to have a tribute to Trev at my next get together
The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art
15th October 2017, 08:29 PM
That's a very fitting and entirely appropriate thought.
27th January 2018, 06:03 PM
Lest we forget a year and a day
A man I'm confident to say missed by many.
The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art
27th January 2018, 07:09 PM
Absolutely Dave!!
27th January 2018, 09:33 PM
So very true.
27th January 2018, 10:18 PM
I had the privilege of my first meeting with Trevor in November 2014 at a Katoomba Get Together at Brett's....
No sleeves, no foorwear, no name tag and no fuss....
31st January 2018, 12:59 PM
And the only one I recognise in that photo is Trevor. Most of us remember him for his magic with junk, but he had many other talents that we didn't get to see or know about until after he was gone. A great talent gone too soon.
17th October 2018, 08:44 AM
Trevor Jones would have had his 58th birthday today, gone but not forgotten!
Rest in peace good friend....
26th January 2019, 10:46 PM
Almost two years since Trevor passed away in a couple of days....
He's sorely missed on the forum, the "Photography", the "Toymaking" and of course the "Model Making" are all lesser without is superb input.
Rest in Peace good friend.....
Chris Parks
26th January 2019, 11:41 PM
A rare talent who unfortunately had his time on this earth cut short. Has anyone ever archived his photography and what happened to his models? If a compilation of his photography was done I for one would buy a copy.
27th January 2019, 03:20 PM
I miss him too
Yes I think someone collated all his photos from the forum Chris
Dave TTC
The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art
27th January 2019, 03:51 PM
I miss him too
Yes I think someone collated all his photos from the forum Chris
Dave TTC
The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art
l haven’t seen anything on that Dave, appreciate the link of you have iT, thank you.
27th January 2019, 04:09 PM
A rare talent who unfortunately had his time on this earth cut short. Has anyone ever archived his photography and what happened to his models? If a compilation of his photography was done I for one would buy a copy.
There are a couple of blokes on the forum who are keeping a fatherly eye on Trevor’s son. As we can all imagine, given Trevor’s penchant for recycling and re-use, his son has inherited vast amounts of ‘stuff’ both stored at home and in storage units scattered over Northern Victoria. This inheritance is both a blessing and a curse as well as a constant reminder of his late, and much loved, father. Some of the replicas are slated for display in relevant museums and there are also a couple of REAL classic and vintage motorbikes which his son hopes one day to restore himself. As for the rest, a few of us have volunteered to help him go through it and find respectful owners or usage. I compiled a lot of his Brough Superior photos to jointly write an article with Trevor to publish in the UK Brough Owners Group magazine and I am continuing to work with his son to market some of Trevor’s stunning technical ‘blueprints’ through the same channel.
As his son moves on from his loss, he has required less and less support and has grown to be a well spoken, well educated, confident and independent young man. Trevor’s legacy, photos ....... and ‘stuff’ ...... are in sound hands.
18th October 2019, 09:04 PM
Trevor would have been 59 yesterday....:rip:.... Rest in Peace old friend....
Chris Parks
18th October 2019, 09:38 PM
For those here who did not see Trevor's work grab a brew and read this
He truely was a talent that has sadly been lost. There is another thread that has had the photos butchered by Photobucket up to post 141
and another one.
18th October 2019, 10:55 PM
Truly a superb artisan
22nd February 2020, 09:40 PM
I missed Trevor's memorial this year as I was away....
I still miss his brilliants and his forum posts....
He was a one of a kind bloke who was admired by many!
Rest in Peace old friend....
22nd February 2020, 09:49 PM
Like many, I miss his great posts on building such wonderful masterpieces
17th October 2020, 08:34 AM
Trevor would have turned 60 today! :cake 08:
482925 482923
482924 482919
482921 482927
Chris Parks
17th October 2020, 09:02 AM
Does anyone know what happened to all his models and photos?
25th January 2021, 12:06 PM
Four years has flown and Trevor is stilled missed......
Rest In Peace old friend....
I have no idea what's happened to all his magnificent models!
Found a few links on the internet to some of his story....
OUTLAW 2/3 Scale - Finkster Forum (
2/3 scale Cars & Motorcycles | Page 2 | Woodworking Talk (
The aliens have landed - and they want our junk - ABC (none) - Australian Broadcasting Corporation (
Trevor Jones Repliconics - Google Search (
Cheers crowie
17th October 2021, 09:58 AM
Trevor would have turned 61 today
18th October 2021, 02:59 PM
What an amazing man.
26th January 2022, 05:42 PM
Well another year has come and gone since we lost this extraordinarily talented artisan, Trevor Jones...
R.I.P. old friend... Cheers, Peter
16th October 2022, 01:40 PM
Trevor would have been 62 tomorrow ....:rip:.... Rest in Peace old friend....
Chris Parks
16th October 2022, 03:12 PM
Those that weren't members then missed a rich time in this forum's history all because Trevor was posting here to show his talent in his peculiar hobby....making art from junk in ways no one else could.
25th January 2023, 07:20 PM
Six [6] Years this Friday since the world lost this clever artisan....
Some people you come across in ones life just seem to make an everlasting impression, and Trevor was one of those blokes!
RIP Old Friend..... Peter
7th September 2023, 04:06 PM
Just going for a walk down memory lane. Was talking about Trevor today to a friend. I miss him.
7th September 2023, 05:45 PM
Yep, a very talented and likeable artisan
16th October 2023, 04:48 PM
Trevor would of had another Birthday tomorrow.....
:birthday: old friend...
Rest In Peace