View Full Version : Removing a bath spout

5th September 2005, 09:33 PM
Hi All,

Have just about finished redoing the bathroom in our old post war cottage, then came the almost easiest part of replacing tap fittings, but I am absolutely in the dark as to how I can remove the bath spout. (I wouldn't be surprised if it's been in place since Adam was a boy). I have tried using leverage on it, and just plain brute strength, but I cannot get the damn thing to crack, so I can unscrew it from the pipe.

Does anybody out there have any suggestions as to how this could be done?

Many thanks


5th September 2005, 09:37 PM
I just shove a screwdriver up the spout and twist, sound as though that is not going to work in your case. I'd suggest nitro but it damages the tiles and scares the kids.


5th September 2005, 09:41 PM

Tried the screwdriver to no avail and I am just ready to try anything at the moment, and not having kids could be worth a go!! Although the dog and cats may never talk to me again.

Thanks anyway!!

5th September 2005, 10:05 PM
You could always heat it up with an oxy or blow torch. just don't burn the place down, but it should help to crack it.

journeyman Mick
5th September 2005, 10:34 PM
I'm yet to find a bath spout that is a match for a 600 long stillson wrench.


5th September 2005, 10:58 PM
The stillsons would work, but be bloody careful and not break the whole pipe the spout is attached to...stillsons and a little heat...gently.

6th September 2005, 07:27 PM
Just change your mind and decide you really want to keep it - it's a certainty that it'll fall off in a couple of days :D