View Full Version : The good oil

Allan at Wallan
13th January 2017, 10:01 AM
Whenever we have problems with the car my wife always
has the answer - she somehow believes she is a trained mechanic.

Yesterday she took the oil dipstick from the car into Supercheap
and asked for a new one. The attendant asked what was wrong
with it as it looked ok.

She replied, "It must be worn out, it no longer reaches the oil".


KBs PensNmore
13th January 2017, 12:03 PM
Love it, my son works in a wrecking yard, and quite often he has ladies coming in asking for a 710 cap? Most of the blokes stand around scratching their heads, trying to work out what on earth they want, he's worked out, it's the OIL cap.

13th January 2017, 09:01 PM
My daughter used to think that the E on the stick meant enough ��������

13th January 2017, 09:40 PM
Ted Bullpit channeled no less

17th January 2017, 05:03 PM
A coworker of my son once said, "The oil light isn't on yet so I don't need to change the oil."

BTW - She was about to start on a cross country trip of about 4000 Km.