View Full Version : What to do to add gloss over DO ?
9th January 2017, 08:55 AM
Hi folks,
So over the weekend I threw together what was supposed to be a quick pen stand out of US walnut, and after 4 coats of liberon danish oil, it's a bit dull for my liking still. Mainly because there is a fair bit of end grain showing due to the shape, I think.
Anyone have any suggestions for the best way to add a bit of gloss? I was thinking about putting some aussie oil or rustin's plastic coating over the top, but I can't find any info on whether either will have problems going on top of the DO :no: .
9th January 2017, 09:11 AM
Try the UBeaut traditional Wax, should come up a treat!
9th January 2017, 09:42 AM
I've been thinking about it (I do love trad wax!), but I'm not sure I or anyone else will ever refresh wax on this piece, so I'm hoping to use something that has as long a lifetime as possible.
10th January 2017, 11:52 AM
So yesterday afternoon I gave this a quick hit of EEE, buffed, and then trad wax and buffed again - looks good at the moment, hopefully it'll be durable.
Skew ChiDAMN!!
10th January 2017, 05:33 PM
Wax is great stuff as a final coat for something that's either never handled, or handled on a frequent basis. Sadly, not a good choice for intermittent handling... it'll matt off but isn't handled enough to build up a patina. Worse, after applying wax there's nothing that can go over the top except more wax or sandpaper. :rolleyes:
Sometimes just waiting is the better response. I gather you were up against a deadline?
If the DO has had the time to be fully cured then almost any clear coat should do. Sadly, that takes a LOT longer than just touch-dry.
A week or three at least.
By which time it'd probably be better to continue as you started and apply another coat of DO. Which should start adding shine, as it wouldn't be absorbed by the timber and should thus build up the outside coat for a good polish. (I'm also assuming that you didn't wait a few days between applying each coat?)
Hehe. There are quite a few "shoulds" in there. :)
Mind you, the above is irrelevant now that you've waxed it... but next time... ;)
10th January 2017, 09:59 PM
Yeah, a deadline too close too let the DO cure completely and then put something over the top (that's what dissuaded me from WOP or rustin's plastic).
I'm actually reasonably happy with the results, and I eventually decided I didn't care too much if the nice finish from the wax doesn't last long. Just as long as it's pretty when the recipients first see it!