View Full Version : Can We Change some things about "Big Stuff"
Luke Maddux
12th November 2016, 07:55 AM
As a woodworker who makes and is primarily interested in furniture, I've always found it shocking that furniture and cabinetmaking doesn't have its own thread. It's just assumed that it goes into "Big Stuff".
Also, another problem I see is that "Big Stuff" is embedded into "Woodworking Forums" as a sub forum.
So I'm proposing that "Big Stuff" be changed to "Furniture, Joinery, and Cabinetmaking" or just "Furniture and Joinery", or maybe "Furniture, Joinery, and Big Stuff" or something of the like and that it be given its own subforum which is accessible via the "Forum" dropdown menu at the top of the page.
Aside from it being a more appropriate name and access pathway for the forum in general, I think that the main imrovement would be that it would Prevent one-time question askers from posting in the "Woodwork - General" forum, and would provide a much more clear option to newcomers regarding where many posts should go.
12th November 2016, 09:17 AM
Not much point in discussing this, you need to put it to Ubeaut. The forum is privately owned and not public/member controlled.
Luke Maddux
12th November 2016, 09:44 AM
Not much point in discussing this.
I've gotta respectfully disagree.
I think that a collection of informed opinions is the best possible thing to present to the admins, particularly if the collection of opinions shows a trend toward one solution or the other. It's also my intention to approach this with an open mind to the suggestions of others, including the admins, and not necessarily to pitch a single solution to the powers that be.
So, do you have an opinion?
12th November 2016, 03:58 PM
Completely agree. Ive been a member for a while but only recently started browsing all the forums, I was very surprised that there was a subforum for automata but nothing for furniture. Took me a while to figure out they belonged in big stuff.
If it does happen I would like to suggest having a completed projects sub as well so people can browse through other users work without needing to move past the advice threads.
13th November 2016, 12:57 AM
We have a sub-forum for furniture here?!! I NEVER KNEW! :o
I agree .. Big Stuff could mean anything ... sometimes that's what my wife calls me :)
Regards from Perth
Luke Maddux
13th November 2016, 05:47 AM
Well it looks like many are reading but few are commenting. Maybe fewer people care about furniture than I was aware. I'll see what the admins think.
13th November 2016, 05:58 AM
I'll see what the admins think.
Admin is aware and looking into it. :)
13th November 2016, 07:39 AM
I think I've noticed forum categories appearing, disappearing and being moved around once or twice before :rolleyes:, so nothing is impossible.
Personally, the only time I look at forum hierarchy is when I start a thread, for the rest of the time I just hit the new posts button and see all posts with their forum category listed down the right hand side. The category that confuses me most is having 'woodwork - general' under 'woodwork forum' with arbitrary sub forums under that. Maybe just pop up all the 'general' sub forums a level. Then it would make sense to rename big stuff to something more descriptive.
13th November 2016, 11:42 AM
Thanks to the forum owners and admin - furniture, cabinet making etc. has its own section. Great work guys and thanks Luke for the original suggestion.
13th November 2016, 04:01 PM