30th August 2005, 11:09 PM
have spent 2 hrs this avro trying to fix a leak in the toilet the repalcenment for the ball cock a fluidmaster system is letting the water flow with out stoping when the tank is full have tried a new valve but the water still flows do i need to replace the whole thing as just wont stop no matter where u move the float to
2nd ? is mainly because of a earlier post on hot water have a large newish electric hot water service but have found that when u turn on the hot water the water has good pressure and a good temp over 50 but as soon as u touch the cold water the hot water drops off just setting the temp to something u can use takes minutes there is s till hot water flowing just drops to luke warm as s oon as any cold starts at monent have to have the hot fully on and the cold moved about a 1/8 of a turn to have a decent warm shower hard to explain but maybe someone has a idea out there whats happening
the house has old gal mains pipes could this be a part of the
problem pressure is fine from all taps
thks as always david
2nd ? is mainly because of a earlier post on hot water have a large newish electric hot water service but have found that when u turn on the hot water the water has good pressure and a good temp over 50 but as soon as u touch the cold water the hot water drops off just setting the temp to something u can use takes minutes there is s till hot water flowing just drops to luke warm as s oon as any cold starts at monent have to have the hot fully on and the cold moved about a 1/8 of a turn to have a decent warm shower hard to explain but maybe someone has a idea out there whats happening
the house has old gal mains pipes could this be a part of the
problem pressure is fine from all taps
thks as always david