View Full Version : Bali Hut.

23rd October 2016, 11:28 AM
Perhaps there is a ww element to this but it is basically a reno job.

The thatched roof of said hut has been used by the local bird population for nest building and so
had gaping holes in it. The clever little buggers only took material from the sides where they could not be observed!
Apart from the holes the material was very frail and we were left with a bit of a mess when the thatch was removed.

We are replacing the thatch with corrugated iron ( colourbond ) for obvious reasons! This means adding battens to
screw the iron to. so I bought treated pine. Big problem is the current structure was painted, I assume, with water
based light mission brown and the treated pine is either green or blue.

OK, had some decking oil so on it went. Everything turned an odd greenish shade so off to see Dave at the paint shop
and we tinted what was left with Merbau tint. Took three coats but all is now a darkish brown. It will look Ok but I learnt
a lesson about the colouring of decking oils and their reactin with treated pine stains!

28th October 2016, 10:43 AM
OK, Hut roof redone What a bugger of a job!1 No two angles were the same and that meant lots of time to get things right by my builder mate.

Time equals money so now a bit poorer but at least the corrugated will outlast me!