View Full Version : An unusually poor Bunnings customer service story
26th September 2016, 04:00 PM
Well that was a painful Bunnings experience; they have a vice on sale ( ($50 off) that I've been waiting a couple years to go on sale, but clearly I'm not the only one as they were out of stock ... so I ask at the tool desk if they have any more stock on the racks or something. Nope, but 2 on order. Okay, can I make sure I get one of those? Uh, you'll have to go talk to Special Orders.
So I go talk to Special Orders and they look it up and confirm yes there are 2 on order but there should also be 2 in-store. Hmm. But there's a chance they've already been purchased and the system hasn't updated yet. Fair enough. So can I make sure I get one of the 2 that's on order at the sale price? Yes, but the tool desk will have to organise that.
So I go to the tool desk; sorry can't help you, I'm just casual staff (public holiday) but talk to X. So I go talk to X (who I'd already spoken to earlier asking if there were more stock). Nope, can't do that, only a manager could authorise locking in the sale price for you. Okaaay so what are we waiting for, yes of course I want to speak to a manager! Did you miss the part where it's $50 off and I've been waiting a couple years for it?
So X calls up the manager, several minutes back and forth and finally get the answer (contradicting the Special Orders desk) that no, they can't do that ... I'll just have to try and come in at the right time later in the week before the sale ends on Friday.
I would have been ok if that'd had been the answer from the start, but 20 minutes of fluffing around? Not so happy.
26th September 2016, 04:42 PM
You are able to write up what's happened on the Bunning website in the "contact us" section...
It's worth letting senior management know that the customer service experience at that particular store stinks....
26th September 2016, 06:05 PM
???? I misunderstood.
I honestly thought this was how things were normally at Bunnings.
Its a game for them, Im certain of it. Customer ping pong.
27th September 2016, 01:21 AM
I must say I am normally a pessimist, but here I can only say the positives in this saga out way the negatives, the fact that you actually got to see and speak to a Bunnings employee, let alone numerous, astounds me, sorry about the outcome.
27th September 2016, 04:10 AM
I would have been ok if that'd had been the answer from the start, but 20 minutes of fluffing around? Not so happy.
so spending 20 minutes of your time to potentially save $50 (= $150 / hour) wasn't worth it.
but waiting a coupe of years for the vice to go on special was.
:? I don't get it
27th September 2016, 08:14 AM
Nah I think you missed something Ian: I did spend 20 minutes trying to sort it out, would have spent longer if I hadn't hit a dead end with a store manager.
I'll go back tomorrow to check if the new stock has arrived, and again if I have to before the sale ends on Friday.
The issue was being told five different things by different people and being sent from one desk to the other before discovering that, no, what I had been told could be done (asking for them to put aside one of the vices once they arrived and locking in the sale price for me) was actually against company policy even though according to another staff member they do it all the time. Just frustrating.
27th September 2016, 12:14 PM
It's only going to get worse with any semblance of competition now shutting.
27th September 2016, 12:50 PM
It's only going to get worse with any semblance of competition now shutting.
Worse? What do you mean worse.
Surely you jest!
Maybe we can make it a game. Like a long rally at the tennis or bird watching. See if you can beat poor Nathans 6-return serve, or better, photograph the largest group of employees standing around talking.
I counted 8 late yesterday arvo at Fyshwick with a single checkout open and 5 people in queue. Eight.
27th September 2016, 01:04 PM
I counted 8 late yesterday arvo at Fyshwick with a single checkout open and 5 people in queue. Eight.
What no self serve checkout open at the time?
Personally I don't like shopping. I would most likely be the worst customer for most stores. I have an item in mind, I get it, go to the checkout then leave. No wondering around aimlessly.
27th September 2016, 06:22 PM
So there are 2 vices coming into stock and you can't place an order to purchase one? That's BS.
The only justification for not accepting your order would be no further stock available.
27th September 2016, 10:29 PM
What no self serve checkout open at the time?.
Closed. They seem to close the trade desk and self checkouts at 5pm. They also only have the one checkout open and/or the returns desk. I often go after 6pm and only the returns desk (next to tools) is open and it's a nightmare if some poor biddy is returning a law mower or whipper snipper. The queue just grows and grows.
The staff just merrily ignore everyone.
27th September 2016, 11:54 PM
I only deal with the trade desk at my local Bunnings, they always help me out. Spend enough coin there over the years on renovators that they know me now.
In saying that, I try and make Bunnings the last point for purchase for me, and its usually due to poor time scheduling. I can normally get better prices on almost everything provided I use trade suppliers AND I can get orders in on time on weekdays. Tools (and a few other things) are one of those harder things to get cheaper though, and often those sales will push you to buy something you want and will use but normally cant justify the spend on.
Shame the service sucked. I would do as others suggested and put in a complaint and mention that you are posting details online. Bad PR is something most companies don't like.
28th September 2016, 08:19 PM
Well, went back this morning ... spoke to someone at the tool desk, she said "Talk to the tool guy" oh and "He's late for his shift" so I doodled around a bit and then she's like "Ah forget it just write down your name and number and I'll get him to call you".
That was 12 hours ago.
28th September 2016, 09:02 PM
YEP, I'd be using the "contact us" feed back "COMPLAINTS" section of the Bunnings website...
Maybe also if I was a "social media" person, slamming the lack of customer service there too!!
KBs PensNmore
29th September 2016, 01:46 AM
At our local bunnies, if something is out of stock, I go to the trade desk and place the order and pay for it there and then.
Quite often, the other half wants some weeds or seeds from there, so I look in the tool aisle and usually help their customers find what they need, as there aren't any staff around!!!!!!!
For those with access to an ABN number, a Power Pass Card is available, giving a small discount. Better in your pocket than theirs.
29th September 2016, 07:42 PM
I got a call from Daniel at Bunnings today "Mate, I was asked to call you when the stock arrived ... it's here, and I've put one aside with your name on it if you want to come get it"
All's well that ends well :2tsup:
KBs PensNmore
29th September 2016, 09:16 PM
Nice to see that you got one eventually.
29th September 2016, 09:54 PM
Ya, going to be nice having a decent vice now for when I weld up a frame to mount my air filtration unit to the garage ceiling this weekend.
Grumpy John
6th October 2016, 04:57 PM
Ya, going to be nice having a decent vice now for when I weld up a frame to mount my air filtration unit to the garage ceiling this weekend.
You've been waiting 2 years for a cheap vice so you can mount your air filtration :?:?:?.
6th October 2016, 06:30 PM
Sigh. No. And $160 isn't cheap to me. Had the air filtration unit a month or two. Now to make a steel frame to mount it to ceiling.
John Saxton
7th October 2016, 08:53 PM
A positive note on Bunnies this time ,over the years there have been numerous occasions where there was negative responses.
It's good to see that you have a satisfactory outcome in your favour.
8th October 2016, 11:09 AM
Is it Record, does it only have two bolt holes for mounting? I bought one for my dad a few years ago and had to strengthen the bench as there was no rear fixing point.
8th October 2016, 12:46 PM
Nah the Irwin round post one, four holes. The engineer's vices are 2-hole - looks like it'd be a bit of a mongrel to fix solidly to anything short of a 150kg metal bench.
17th October 2016, 03:22 PM
I'm just amazed that you found that many people to talk to a customer at Bunnies.
I was there 2 weeks ago with my wife. I needed a bunch of things, including about 50 washers. These only come in packs of 200+ or in singles. OK so my wife has her hands full of washers following me around while I get the other things. I couldn't find anyone so I went to the tool center and asked for a box or anything. Answer - no. You have to go to exist and get a box. No way was my wife going to walk past the checkouts with hands full of products.
Unfortunately its want I expect from Bunnies.
17th October 2016, 03:44 PM
My local one seems to be getting better and they are getting better quality tools, looks like DeWalt is getting a bit more of a push to try and keep some tradespeople as tool shops with staff that know stuff have been popping up around Newcastle :)
Some of the Wera gear is nice but some of the manufacture is farmed out and the prices on those pieces are ridiculous, it's good to see some German made tools there too but NWS gear is made for small hands, I have a couple of their things but they don't seem to handle abuse like Knipex or CK stuff.
17th October 2016, 05:30 PM
but NWS gear is made for small hands
Yeah, sparkies :2tsup: