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10th September 2016, 10:53 AM
Broncos V Titans .

How about the refereeing of last night’s Broncos V Titans match ???

We know the umpires have to follow the rule book, but surely they have a little lee-way.

Looks like the ‘Workplace Health & Safety’ learned crew have been let loose with the rule book. Or maybe the Greenies have something to do with it.

With a little more effort, whoever’s responsible will be able to shut-down the game altogether.

And that would be a hellova shame, as I enjoy watching those outstanding athletes rough each other up.

Cheers, Fred

10th September 2016, 02:11 PM
I watched with with amazement at some of their decisions. And even the bunker couldn't get one right. Do referees come under the salary cap???

10th September 2016, 08:02 PM
The poor Titans had no chance, they had the Broncos and the refs against them. I hope this is not what we are in for for the rest of the finals.