View Full Version : Clay Soil and Neighbour's Sinking Garden

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14th July 2016, 05:30 PM
We recently bought an investment property on a complex. The villa we bought is the middle one. All three properties are on a slope, the same slope. Our neighbour above us told us that the bottom of her garden (i.e. the end next to the top of our garden) has been sinking for a while. She has lived in her house since they were built in 1991. She has been using rocks as a sort of retaining wall to keep most of her garden intact. The sinking bit has agapanthus growing there which she must have planted. I guess the agapanthus, being tough and having a tendency to spread will hold things together but I wonder what is going on.

In our garden I installed a stormwater pit. The first 600mm was all clay, then I hit very soft dirt and then a surprising thing happened. Water welled up from below. We have recently had flood rains which might have raised the water table, but still, I didn't expect to hit water.

Would appreciate thoughts as to what to do, thanks.

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f82/clay-soil-neighbours-sinking-garden-119673/)