View Full Version : The Difinitive Question - are you a REAL woodworker ?

19th August 2005, 05:27 PM
From what i've seen, REAL woodworkers have facial hair but very little up top. :)

Where do you fit in (or are you an impostor !) :eek:

19th August 2005, 05:37 PM
what about no facial hair and little up top.....

I can't get past the itchiness to grow a beard.....it drives me insane till i shave it off

19th August 2005, 05:39 PM
The third option is for people in your category :)

Jack E
19th August 2005, 05:42 PM
I went the beard option as I only shave once every three weeks.

Although I work for two weeks then shave just before I go home for a week, so technically when I am home and have the opportunity to do some wood work I don't have a beard :confused:

Cheers, Jack

19th August 2005, 05:44 PM
is this a typo ..


19th August 2005, 05:51 PM
Yes I'm of Italian heritage, but it would be scary if I had a beard or a moustache.... "Dan" standing for Danielle of course.... :D


19th August 2005, 05:53 PM
is this a typo ..


of course ! I couldn't out up one without a typo could I ??

But I've changed it to keep you happy. ;)

D'oh, won't let me do it. Oh well, at least it's right on the toip of my fisrt pots.

19th August 2005, 06:18 PM
From what i've seen, REAL woodworkers have facial hair but very little up top.

Where do you fit in (or are you an imposter !)

Gumby, you is a Dumby!!!


19th August 2005, 06:33 PM
Well sorry to blow your theory out of the water - beard and mo here.
Am I an imposter because I LOOK like an advanced woodworker ( or is that actually the secret ):D

19th August 2005, 07:07 PM
I'm of Italian heritage....... "Dan" standing for Danielle of course.... :D

So you would definately have a moustache then. :p

Cliff Rogers
19th August 2005, 07:09 PM
It's funny, I grow hair from everywhere except my lengthening fivehead (& palms/soles/etc) & the only place I bother to shave is my beard 'cos I'm a messy eater. :D

19th August 2005, 07:19 PM
Don't have a beard at the moment but had one for years. I got rid of it just after Christmas when a coupla little kids said to each other, look theres Santa out of uniform!

doug the slug
19th August 2005, 07:27 PM
ive got the beard most of the time and a mustache always. when i wax the mustache out straight, you can see both ends of it when you are standing behind me, gets a bit messy when eating pizza

19th August 2005, 07:39 PM
but where oh where does the "not able to grow in the sides so I go with a goatee" category fit in.

Please note

I am a wood butcher not a woodworker so I dont even claim to be an imposter

19th August 2005, 07:44 PM
What about if you've got a flanellete shirt but no beard?

Is that immediately impostor or do you get some respect for having the flanny?

Inquiring minds would like to know. :confused:

19th August 2005, 07:45 PM
Jeez, I think I'm an imposter - full beard, going bald AND bare forearms from checking that the planes & chisels are sharp.

If we were meant to shave, we would have been born without beards. :D

19th August 2005, 08:13 PM
but where oh where does the "not able to grow in the sides so I go with a goatee" category fit in.

Grow a goatee and take up painting nude.:D
Unless of course your nude body will frighten away your models. :eek:

19th August 2005, 08:36 PM
Gumby, you ain't a real woodworker. Hair doesn't grow on plasticine.

19th August 2005, 08:56 PM
Gumby, you ain't a real woodworker. Hair doesn't grow on plasticine.

True, but it sticks when pushed in. I get it from the barber shop :D

Skew ChiDAMN!!
19th August 2005, 09:33 PM
Shave? What's that? :confused:

Hmmm... lessee... beard? Yup. Moustache? Check, should do something about it one day; I'm tired of eating it. Flannel shirt? Ayup. Complete with a severe case of shoulder-sawdust in lieu of dandruff. (SWMBO's growing tired of my dismantling the washing machine to de-pulp the pump.) Even got a permanent sag in my belt where the tape measure usually clips.

Does this mean I'm a REAL woodworker?

Then why do my projects turn out as such crap? I don't care what anyone else says, I've yet to build anything I am 100% happy with... :(

Hang on... I think I know where I'm going wrong... gotta cut off the ponytail and shave my head!

19th August 2005, 09:36 PM
I feel better now, Zed just sent me an abusive pm. Thanks mate.
Also just heard that the wife's breast cancer scare is only cysts. Life doesn't get any better.
Thought you all needed to know that.
I know I feel relieved and very thankful.

Shave? What's that? :confused:

Hmmm... lessee... beard? Yup. Moustache? Check, should do something about it one day; I'm tired of eating it. Flannel shirt? Ayup. Complete with a severe case of shoulder-sawdust in lieu of dandruff. (SWMBO's growing tired of my dismantling the washing machine to de-pulp the pump.) Even got a permanent sag in my belt where the tape measure usually clips.

Does this mean I'm a REAL woodworker?

Then why do my projects turn out as such crap? I don't care what anyone else says, I've yet to build anything I am 100% happy with... :(

Hang on... I think I know where I'm going wrong... gotta cut off the ponytail and shave my head!
Damn it Skew
stop taking my lines. :D

19th August 2005, 09:36 PM
ive got the beard most of the time and a mustache always. when i wax the mustache out straight, you can see both ends of it when you are standing behind me, gets a bit messy when eating pizza

So what do you use for wax? ;)

19th August 2005, 09:38 PM
what about no facial hair and little up top.....

I can't get past the itchiness to grow a beard.....it drives me insane till i shave it off

Sounds like someone needs to drink a few more Redbacks....and harden up ;)

doug the slug
19th August 2005, 10:06 PM
So what do you use for wax? ;)

real mustache wax , stuart. you can buy it in little tubes at good barber shops

Skew ChiDAMN!!
19th August 2005, 10:11 PM
real mustache wax , stuart. you can buy it in little tubes at good barber shops

Is it made from real moustaches? :confused:

19th August 2005, 11:09 PM
. gotta cut off the ponytail and shave my head!

Pony tail ? So you're a muso as well eh.

19th August 2005, 11:48 PM
What about if yer job wont let you grow a beard!(actualy its illegal by gov standard and OH&S)
As result I only can have one for 4 weeks a year... like right now on holi's ya see.

19th August 2005, 11:56 PM
Waiting for Ruffly, Jill, Tikki, . . .

bob w
20th August 2005, 12:01 AM
From what i've seen, REAL woodworkers have facial hair but very little up top. :)

Where do you fit in (or are you an impostor !) :eek:

Yep thats me. Facial hair and very little up top. Full head of hair mind you but very little up top otherwise I wouldn't still be working.

Does that make me an impostor? Or am I only pretending to be an impostor???

Bob W :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

20th August 2005, 12:39 AM
I'm with Rowan, where's the Goatee option? I butcher wood when I get there! :D

Skew ChiDAMN!!
20th August 2005, 12:44 AM
Pony tail ? So you're a muso as well eh.

Yeah, I play percussion and wood(wind), with the odd bit of brass & string on the side. Although I do prefer the electrics. :D

There's naught quite like the sweetly singing note of a powersaw as it rips through a sweet bit of lumber. Except when I hit the occasional wrong knot.

20th August 2005, 09:05 AM

Gets in the road of fast spinning things doesn't it

And I'd also like to know how my poll about Fawlty Towers got changed to something sensible yet this one survived?

20th August 2005, 11:07 AM
Sorry I'm late, couldn't get any pages to load last night :mad:
Gumby you doofhead, could you please add another poll option for Tikki, Jill, Flea, Helga and myself and any others I've missed........... I really don't want to own up to waxing the moustache.....:D :eek:

And yes, I do consider myself a true woodworker..... others may call me lots of other things, mad, driven, obsessed... all would be true.


20th August 2005, 11:28 AM
Gumby you doofhead, could you please add another poll option for Tikki, Jill, Flea, Helga and myself and any others I've missed........... I really don't want to own up to waxing the moustache.....:D :eek:

What ? Change the poll ? No, that would be discrimination based of one's sex and therefore illegal. It's an asexual world. If you don't have facial hair, and lot's of it, you aren't true woodworkers either. You'll have to vote 3 like the rest of us did.

If any of you vote 2, I'm putting you on my ignore list :D

20th August 2005, 09:06 PM
Bah Humbug!!! Never thought I'd ever answer to imposter[sic], but I suppose there's always a first time :D

20th August 2005, 09:08 PM
Bah Humbug!!! Never thought I'd ever answer to imposter,

or impostor even (I stuffed the spelling agin) :rolleyes:

Andy Mac
20th August 2005, 09:18 PM
A greying winter coat I grow, for exactly 3 months. A seasonal thing, although I'd probably keep it on all the time except for...the company of females.


21st August 2005, 12:17 PM
What ? Change the poll ? No, that would be discrimination based of one's sex and therefore illegal. It's an asexual world. If you don't have facial hair, and lot's of it, you aren't true woodworkers either. You'll have to vote 3 like the rest of us did.

If any of you vote 2, I'm putting you on my ignore list :D

C'mon you guys all get moustaches every time you drink a latte at the hairdressers!!!


21st August 2005, 12:26 PM
I went to the Perth WWW show last Sunday. My young bloke came with me. He's 24. At one point, we were standing near the Old Tools stall and he said to me:

"Eh, Dad - do you realise you're the only bloke older than me in this room who doesn't have a beard? What's the matter with you - don't you want to look like a real woodworker?"

I looked around and he was right.

I carefully put down the little corner brace I was studying and - head down - snuck away. :o

I related this tale to my life's partner and my daughter when I got home and was firmly advised that any sign of grey whiskers longer than a weekend's growth would meet with disapproval from both female family members.

This is a bit rich, considering that I had the full set when we first met. Mind you, I wasn't a natural platinum blond in those days - which I am now!

21st August 2005, 01:16 PM
Grow one driver, use the excuse that you're gunna get a job as santa to buy more tools

Wood Butcher
21st August 2005, 01:23 PM
Does having a goatee and a moustache make me half an expert woodworker:D

21st August 2005, 01:31 PM
Does having a goatee and a moustache make me half an expert woodworker:D
Get into wood carving and sculpture and yer an "Artiste" :rolleyes:

21st August 2005, 02:07 PM
Ten years ago, I had a full beard and moustache ... and a pony tail I could grab by reaching behind me (bout halfway down me back).

Now I'm clean shaven with greyish hair surrounding a bald patch that I'm currently developing to it's full glory.

Why the change? I'm nuts ... but you knew that :D

Years ago when I was a m/c flag marshall, we were holding a meeting to discuss the upcoming superbike meeting. Seated around a long table in our favourite pub. 'Bout 20 of us. Beer and insults flying as usual. Well, our treasurer made a rude comment about someone's beard. The room was silent ... then the sniggers - she was the only one in the room without a beard. :D


21st August 2005, 02:09 PM
BTW, I clicked the last option in the poll :D

And I'm not a wood worker, I'm a wooden boat builder. Long beards are a hazard because they get stuck in the epoxy and it's hard enough keeping the tools out of the muck without adding bits of yourself :eek:


21st August 2005, 05:06 PM
Bloody hell GUMBY u just cant get it rite can u !!!
Hair on woodworkers I have mine up and wrapped in a bandanna and facial hair i leave to htthsbo heheheh so Gumby im not voting in ur poll BTW what happened to that so called brilliant footy team of urs GUMBY !!! 110 points loss wasnt it !!! god it wwas good tosee geelong best west coast so im happpy cheers all talk later on a very happy jules

21st August 2005, 05:49 PM
But ele, i put in option 2 just for you :D

21st August 2005, 07:40 PM
is that the one where Gumby learns to barrak for a real footy team ????

21st August 2005, 10:09 PM

The only days I shave are Sundays and when I have to see clients, otherwise I don't.

Seriously, when I was 13 my Dad wanted to teach me a trade, he asked if I wanted to learn carpentry or photography. At the time I said no to both. If I could turn back time I'd say carpentry but it's all too late now. :(

If I had a 1% of the skills my Dad had both in carpentry and metalwork I'd be fully qualified at both (he wasn't even a tradie, my Grandad taught him carpentry and just wish I took the time to learn too, although I spent 17 years as an apprentice in the shed or workroom helping out) - now I just try and learn without any training. I love what I'm trying to do, just wish I had the skills to go with the tools and machinery I have that were my Dad's and Grandad's.

A sad post, but it has a message, the most important thing you have is family.

21st August 2005, 11:59 PM
the most important thing you have is family.

Yep, I agree, particularly when they give you Bunnings vouchers for your birthday. I love my family :D :D

22nd August 2005, 12:40 AM

Yeah Gumby, my family and in-laws do the same, they know I just keep wanting more stuff. My wife actually asked me yesterday when will I stop spending money on tools, so I just grinned and said to her. "One day" :D

Gotta love it.

I was down there again yesterday at Bunnies and bought a bunch of spade bits.

Skew ChiDAMN!!
23rd August 2005, 12:28 AM
Seriously, when I was 13 my Dad wanted to teach me a trade, he asked if I wanted to learn carpentry or photography. At the time I said no to both. If I could turn back time I'd say carpentry but it's all too late now. :(

I know how that goes... my maternal grandad (Gramps) was a true-blue bushie who spent his whole life in lumbermills. Bush mills. He could, and did, build a whole house from a coupla trees, 6" nails and fencing wire.

My paternal grandfather (Pop) on the other hand, was an immigrant Scot, a fully ticketed master carpenter back in pommieland. Neither liked the other and both tried teaching me "his" trade. Gramps won, 'cos I wanted to make things now, not fart around measuring sticks.

I regret that now; I wish I'd paid more attention to what Pop was trying so hard to teach. [sigh]

If I had a 1% of the skills my Dad had both in carpentry and metalwork I'd be fully qualified at both (he wasn't even a tradie, my Grandad taught him carpentry and just wish I took the time to learn too, although I spent 17 years as an apprentice in the shed or workroom helping out) - now I just try and learn without any training. I love what I'm trying to do, just wish I had the skills to go with the tools and machinery I have that were my Dad's and Grandad's.

The tools! Ah, yes, my pride and joys. :) The heirloom fencing wire and 6" nails from Gramps. :D Seriously, the few tools of his that I have, various saws and spokeshaves, are treasured indeed and I still use them regularly. It'd scare the bejeezus out of any darksiders if they saw what I do with 'em though... like I said: I was taught by Gramps!

Pop, being a master, brought most of his tools over with him and they were top kit. Sadly, they disappeared between his demise and the reading of the will. My Dad was livid...

23rd August 2005, 09:45 AM
No beard, plenty of hair on top covered by Ubeaut cap, flannel shirt under genuine chippys Khaki bib and brace overalls.
Yep, a genuine impositor. :D

23rd August 2005, 10:52 AM

Yep, got a couple of my Grandad's tools: a Paul Call 6" Jointer - gets used every day, some spokeshaves, some handplanes and various other bits. Yeah and you treasure them like an heirloom and put them to use at the same time.

My bench is loaded with three drawers full said I to the Master. :D

27th August 2005, 10:44 PM
I look hot with a beard, apparently. :D

However, beards and the half face respirator which I need to wear when coating floors with 2 pack don't mix.

But, just wait till I retire, full beard, down to me boots.