View Full Version : That Jimmy Possum rustic finish.

26th May 2016, 02:46 PM
As a sit at the mother in law's, admiring her Jimmy Possum everything... I was wondering, how is the rustic finish achieved? I always end up running my hands over her furniture, something about the finish just invites it.


27th May 2016, 10:47 AM
The edge piece looks split, not cut. There's a very similar technique used by some of the urushi artisans here, the wood can be split fairly straight and predictably, and they utilise that texture as a feature.

27th May 2016, 10:55 AM
Another possibility is that it has been wire brushed (or maybe sandblasted - or both). That would work on recycled timber that has some oxidised surface. The softer oxidised parts are easily removed with a brush. Perhaps sand blasted after that to remove any residual brush marks.

27th May 2016, 04:58 PM
I second the wire brush over weathered wood suggestion from FF above. I have some weathered hardwood that looks just like that after treatment with oxalic acid (to remove the grey) and wire brushing the loose rotted wood away. A wire brush wheel in an electric drill is faster and leaves a smoother finish I find.

Mind you, I am not familiar with the Urushi artisans work so I can't comment on that suggestion at all. The soft gleam of the finish used would add to its tactile attraction.

29th May 2016, 09:56 AM
Yeah that's what I was thinking, some mechanical means of removing the softer wood whist leaving the harder wood. I just didn't know what the process would be :)

I save a bunch of old timber from work, just trying to get inspired with techniques and designs so I may actually make something with it!

Yesterdays Hero
29th May 2016, 09:08 PM
What sort of finish would Jimmy Possum put on their furniture, Danish oil, 2Pack etc ?

6th June 2016, 10:37 PM
They have a wirebrush linscher that causes that effect.
You can do it your own using your angle grinder.

9th June 2016, 02:10 PM
Looks like it has a subtle saw tooth finish as well, I would agree with others that this is reclaimed wore brushed wood.