View Full Version : Install DIY fixed double glazed window with or without frame?

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16th May 2016, 09:30 PM
I am looking at installing a double glazed fixed window unit in my kitchen approx. 2400mm wide by 600mm high, I can create the wall opening in the brick veneer wall without an issue but just wondering how should I install. Can I just mortar in the double glazed unit into the brick opening finishing flush with the outside wall?

Note: I have previously installed 190mm glass blocks into a 600mm W x 2000mm H opening this way, finishing flush with the outside of the bricks and without a frame.

https://www.justritestore.com.au/hom...ed-glass-units (https://www.justritestore.com.au/home/insulated-glass-units/insulated-glass-units)

What would be the main issues with installing this way, expansion issues, water penetration?

Alternatively, if I install in a frame can anyone recommend where I can purchase extruded aluminium to suit this purpose?


Read and reply to the full thread at RenovateForum.com.... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f84/install-diy-fixed-double-glazed-window-without-frame-119223/)