View Full Version : Help to reduce door lock hole size 54mm to 32mm

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13th April 2016, 06:40 PM
I have just bough a replacement lock for my front door , presuming they are all the same size 54mm hole , however the new one only needs a 32mm hole , and the cover plate that comes with the new lock is only 55m diameter . So I need to replace the hole size from 54mm to 32mm .
any recommendations -
are there any adaptor plates around I had a Google but didn't find much
make a 54mm wooden plug, glue in then redrill at 32mm ? (But I am concerned this would not be strong enough is someone put a shoulder against door )
Larger cover plate ? .
make a stainless steel plate to cover hole with 32mm hole in middle .

how does most people fix this solution without buying a new door ?

Read and reply to the full thread at RenovateForum.com.... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f84/help-reduce-door-lock-hole-size-54mm-32mm-118946/)