View Full Version : Need a hard coat for an outside table

8th April 2016, 03:50 AM
I built a table out of blue pine and need a finish that will seal it and have a hard/tough finish. The table will be on a covered deck but still might get some rain and snow on it depending which way the wind is blowing. Ideas, recommendations? I was looking at Rock Hard Bar Top until I seen it was for interior use.

8th April 2016, 09:23 AM
It has been mention in the forum that an outside decking finish would suit.

As you are in the US I cannot suggest brands. Maybe one of our US members could advise what they have used.

9th April 2016, 11:51 AM
Have been running a sort of experiment with Flood's Marine Penetrol. The yachties apparently use it to restore teak fittings inside and out. It is my understanding that Flood products are available in the US.

The outdoor table I used it on consists of an aluminium frame and a slatted top of some imported Asian timber which had been oiled. I stripped off the oil and thoroughly washed the timber with Napisan, left to dry for a few days and lightly sanded any nibs raised. Wiped down with a rag and shellite, dried and then ragged on and rubbed in 2 coats of Marine Penetrol.

The table has now been finished almost 2 years, used for bbq's, wiped down with a damp cloth when finished and is as good as the day it was put on. The location is under a roof but is exposed to wind, blown in rain and partial sunlight. It is covered most of the time with a clear plastic sheet which has not stuck or caused any issues with discolouration. Has worked really well and on current evidence should last almost indefinitely.

No association with Flood other than as a customer and user of their products, eg Flotrol and ordinary Penetrol on metal before painting.