View Full Version : South African Joining Up

9th March 2016, 10:19 PM

I have joined the forum with the hopes of picking up some knowledge from fellow more experienced forum members as I have none.
I am from South Africa and I work in IT, the only woodwork I have done is a lid for my fish tank (had to sell it) with some help from a friends dad.

I have access to most of the basic tools at least as my dad did our home kitchen back in the day, but since his second replacement he is reluctant to teach me.

I am in the process of buying my first house, and it needs a new kitchen, bookshelf and a desk for my man cave.

Cliff Rogers
9th March 2016, 10:27 PM
G'day, good name, I like it. :2tsup:

I've been fixing computers for 37 years, woodwork is a really good hobby to have.

Dig in & have fun.

10th March 2016, 08:02 AM
G'Day & Welcome to the Great Southern Land and to a top forum "SnotOssie".
There are a few members from South Africa and the rest of the world.....
You'll find a heap of helpful & knowledgeable blokes & ladies on the forum and for most very willing to assist.
Make sure you show off your handiwork as everyone loves a photo, especially WIP [Work In Progress] photos with build notes.
Enjoy the forum.
Enjoy your woodwork.....
Cheers from On Top DownUnder, crowie

10th March 2016, 11:02 AM
Welcome to the forum.

10th March 2016, 06:56 PM
Welcome to the forum. There are a few members of this forum who are in IT.

One of the best ways to gain knowledge is to give it a go. And when you get stuck on something start a new thread and post the question. Most likely someone would have had similar problem to advise their solution.

13th March 2016, 08:48 PM
Welcome to the forum.