View Full Version : Ageing new timber

28th February 2016, 11:06 PM
Well my solution is only about 6 hours old. Hanging to start applying!

Played around with the torch this evening. And, Ceder looks so nice flamed. The grain just jumps out!

Many others have much experience with Steel wool and vinegar?

PS. Steel fibres cleaned up before anyone noticed them on the kitchen bench

Robson Valley
29th February 2016, 09:23 AM
I've got a jar of vinegar & steel wool (dissolved in less than a month) that must be 2 yrs old. Have to wait until the steel wool dissolves = it's the "iron acetate" that will react with tannins in the wood to darken or "ebonize" the wood. The result depends on the concentration of tannin which is why it works so well on oak (Quercus sp. ) species. On something like birch, not much tannin but I boosted that with a pretreatment using very strong black tea. Historically just an everyman's stain that was easy to produce.

To tell you the honest truth, I don't care for it. The wood just looks dirty, not old. I suggest that you mess around with scrap first to decide if you like the effect.