View Full Version : vBulletin 5.2

19th February 2016, 02:58 PM
The Canadian Woodworking forum has just upgraded to 5.2.

I hope there's no intention to do the same here. It's a disaster as far as I can see. I tried it for a week or so, but became so frustrated I've reduced my contributions there considerably. I'd hate to be put in the same position here.

Cheers, Vann.

20th February 2016, 02:47 PM
If you don't like vB5.2 then what ever you do don't upgrade your computer to Windows 10.

There is no intention to upgrade to vB5 on either Woodwork Forums or Metalwork Forums, however we are running 5.1 on the new Photo Forums and it seems to be fine. Like anything new or different it takes a little while to get used to.

After a number of months I've almost got 5% of Windows 10 worked out and can almost find things I need every third or forth time without searching for half an hour (almost).

WWF and MWF aren't broken so we won't be fixing them with an upgrade to 5.1 - 5.2 or 5.anything else in the foreseeable future and I can see a long way into the future.

Cheers - Neil :D