View Full Version : Stopping Paint Blocking on Doors and Windows

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17th February 2016, 11:40 PM
Hi All,

I've been using acrylic exterior paint and found that the paint sticks to itself when used on doors and windows. The technical term for this is blocking. Provided windows are painted in warm weather they can be left with a small gap for weeks to allow the paint on the touching surfaces to fully harden. Due to security requirements the best that can be done with doors is to paint them early in the day so the paint dries as much as possible before closing them, but it still binds and the paint pulls off or tears the door seals when the door is opened.

Searching on line I have found suggestions of using candle wax, paraffin wax, waxed paper, and even talcum powder to prevent paint blocking. However I don't like to contaminate the paint with something that may make future painting difficult.

At present I am using plumbers teflon tape on the contact surfaces and this seems to be working. It is inexpensive, easy to apply, does not stick or contaminate the paint, and serves to hold the painted surfaces apart until the paint fully hardens.

Does anyone know of a better product or method to use to stop doors from sticking to the frame/seals while the paint hardens?

Appreciate any better solutions.

Read and reply to the full thread at RenovateForum.com.... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f84/stopping-paint-blocking-doors-windows-118460/)