View Full Version : Fridge barely fits, how to gt more space? Will niche work?

Reno RSS Feed
17th February 2016, 03:30 PM
Hi Guys,
Bit of a problem. We have a fridge space of 930mm and we thought a fridge with a width of 910 would fit, well it does, but barely. Its touching both sides (due to not so straight wall/panel and leveling etc).

Now the problem is if you see the drawing, there's the benchtop on the left, followed by an orange panel, then the fridge space, and then a wall. The fridge sits in snugly (there's open space above for vent). But the doors of the fridge open wider than 910mm, the door on the left is fine as it opens in front of the panel. But the door on the right (in green) doesn't open beyond 45 degrees.

It needs a minimum of 35mm to open straight, or 50mm to open wider than a 90degree.

My wife likes the fridge so that's not going back. but what else can i do to get extra space?

The wall is not a structural wall as it hosts a sliding door which i've shown. Can i make a niche in the wall so that the door can extend into the niche? However, the door jamb will still be at the same place, so i don't think the door will open anymore than 85 degrees or 90 at best. The other thing is the frame will have a horizontal stud in the middle, i would probably need to get rid off that to make the niche. Is that recommended?

Any ideas would help. Thanks!

fridge_issue.jpg (http://www.renovateforum.com/attachments/f84/111011d1455669912-fridge-barely-fits-how-gt-more-space-will-niche-work-fridge_issue.jpg)
Attached Images

http://www.renovateforum.com/images/attach/jpg.gif fridge_issue.jpg (http://www.renovateforum.com/attachments/f84/111010d1455669045-fridge-barely-fits-how-gt-more-space-will-niche-work-fridge_issue.jpg) (11.3 KB)
http://www.renovateforum.com/images/attach/jpg.gif fridge_issue.jpg (http://www.renovateforum.com/attachments/f84/111011d1455669912-fridge-barely-fits-how-gt-more-space-will-niche-work-fridge_issue.jpg) (15.1 KB)

Read and reply to the full thread at RenovateForum.com.... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f84/fridge-barely-fits-how-gt-more-space-will-niche-work-118450/)