View Full Version : Health Secret
13th February 2016, 10:22 AM
An old lady is asked the secret to a long and healthy life.
"For better digestion I drink beer.
If I have appetite loss I drink white wine.
In case of low blood pressure I drink red wine.
For high blood pressure I drink Scotch.
And when I have a cold I drink schnapps."
"When do you drink water?"
"I've never been that sick."
13th February 2016, 06:16 PM
Hi to you all,
Well, I'm almost one of them.
Absolutely detest water. Can't stand the taste.
May have a cordial, once in a blue moon.
Like the older Lady, I never get that crook.
This will most likely raise some eyebrows.
14th February 2016, 10:09 AM
This will most likely raise some eyebrows.
Not quite sure what you mean Issatree. But my digestion is as close to perfect as you can get.
14th February 2016, 04:56 PM
As a teen (1958) I moved from Brooklyn, New York to Southern California. Among the changes that were necessary to adapt to was water. The New York City water was among the best in the world for a municipality. In Southern California every city, town and unincorporated area had their own water system and most were drawing water from the Colorado River through the Metropolitan Water District.
After graduation from High School (12th year) I started attending a community college that received their water from a city water district and the source was ground water.
I had gotten to the point of tolerating the Colorado River water. The water at the college was so hard that I could feel it when it arrived in my stomach. Yes, it was that hard.
15th February 2016, 12:34 PM
As a teen (1958) I moved from Brooklyn, New York to Southern California. Among the changes that were necessary to adapt to was water. The New York City water was among the best in the world for a municipality. In Southern California every city, town and unincorporated area had their own water system and most were drawing water from the Colorado River through the Metropolitan Water District.
After graduation from High School (12th year) I started attending a community college that received their water from a city water district and the source was ground water.
I had gotten to the point of tolerating the Colorado River water. The water at the college was so hard that I could feel it when it arrived in my stomach. Yes, it was that hard.
I had never heard of "hard" and "soft" water till I lived in SoCal. First time someone told me that they just got water softening installed I had no idea what to say.
15th February 2016, 12:46 PM
You have to be careful of water - it can rust your kidneys.
15th February 2016, 04:16 PM
Dangerous stuff water, also found in abundance at building fires
KBs PensNmore
16th February 2016, 12:24 AM
Adelaide just had it's water re tested, only to discover it's no longer H2O but now K9P.
16th February 2016, 09:35 AM
Adelaide just had it's water re tested, only to discover it's no longer H2O but now K9P.
I was just about to Google this strange substance when I sounded it out...
17th February 2016, 08:06 AM
I do not drink water since I found out what fish do in it!
A Duke
17th February 2016, 09:33 AM
Adelaide just had it's water re tested, only to discover it's no longer H2O but now K9P.
That is what happens when the lamp poles are too close to the storm water drains
A Duke
17th February 2016, 06:32 PM
What a hassle to find the thread after going to all the trouble of taking them.
371822 371823 371824
Hope you can find them and enjoy.
23rd February 2016, 02:54 PM
In a conversation with a friend who is a dentist the subject of water came up.
The dentist said that western US children have considerably less cavities that eastern US children. He said that the eastern US water tends to slightly acidic and western US water tends to be slight alkaline. He also said that the alkaline water tends to encourage periodontal disease in older adults.