View Full Version : Maybe my mathmatics is at fault

6th February 2016, 05:03 PM
Recently I purchased some blonde shellac from a certain store in Clayton, Melbourne. I correct myself it was ordered over the phone from their Queensland store.
I paid $160.00 for 500gm of blonde shellac flakes, unfortunately I didn't do my homework beforehand. For some reason I looked into the Woodworks book and tool company, their price for a 5 kg pack of flakes was $411.00. So according to my limited skill at maths that works out at about $41.00 per 500gm.
I bought this product about 2-3 week ago, it's now $174.00 at this Clayton store.
If my maths is correct , then they have lost another customer.
They will get a call in the morning, it won't be pleasant for them.

6th February 2016, 06:03 PM

Something wrong here, Carbatec website shows (https://www.carbatec.com.au/sanding-and-finishing/polishes/u-beaut-orange-shellac-flakes-makes-4-litres) that a kilo cost $ 79.

Still dear as CWS (http://www.cwsonline.com.au/shop/item/shellac-flakes-bulk-1kg) sells it for $ 66. and Pop's shed (http://www.popsshed.com.au/Product_Main.aspx?cid=52&scid=109&pid=258) sells it for $ 65.

I have found that the Ubeaut shellac flakes are better then other brands. Hope this info helps you in your call to your supplier.


6th February 2016, 07:57 PM
Thanks for your reply Peter, according to Carbatec "blond' dewaxed shellac flakes are at present $174.00/500gm.

6th February 2016, 07:59 PM
I'll call them tomorrow.

12th March 2016, 08:10 PM
I've called a few people from a certain store in Melbourne and Brisbane with concerns about their pricing of blonde shellac, it was suggested that I email a letter to their CEO with my concerns. I decided to write a letter instead and send it by snail mail. I'm still waiting (several weeks later). I've since been informed that he has been overseas for some time, oh well looks like an email is about to be sent
I'll send it off to Carba-Tec on Tuesday.
I might repeat the prices for blonde dewaxed shellac. Carba- Tec $174.00/500gm
Sydney co $ 58.00