View Full Version : The end of the saga. We think.

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23rd January 2016, 09:10 AM
So, the carport thing may be over. We tried to talk to the private certifier business owner the other day about the promised review of invoices. In my few interactions with him, he's rude, abrupt, aggressive and just plain wrong about a few things, too. He practically spat at Ted over the phone, not interested in any discussion except "has the bill been paid??" Tried to pay with card over the phone; "We don't take credit card."


OK. So yesterday, incoming phone call, not the owner but the actual case manager. It's all good, according to him. They have deleted one invoice, but not reduced the cost of the notice, $825. They have the new council comments ($380) accept our explanation of the repairs done and cancelled the notice, so he's going to send out the final updated plans, we arrange final sign off. OMG, thankfully. Then I can report the business owner for being a pig and not exercising his duty of care, etc.

Still no response from the first carpenter, despite emailing him with a lower counter offer. I simply want him to cover the repair costs and admin fees. Hello, VCAT.

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f85/end-saga-we-think-118211/)