View Full Version : A Resourse under used - bit more back ground

2nd November 2015, 12:20 PM
Not to fill up my other post, with my drivel. as I have written I have had a property not a huge one, but big enough to keep one busy. my back gave out just over ten years ago, I did have surgery a few years later, but in the in-between time, I had to try to run the property, not good when you can hardly walk.

I had a idea, as I had been working with a sport club and for five years had been using community services persons to preform different duties around the club from mowing, gardens, repairs right through to function room services and being a sports club and no pokies there wasn't all ways money to do things. I approached People if I could start a program on the property, after six months of Talking - talking and more talking, I was given the go a head and there was a big BUT. ground rules no more than 5 people, no drugs, no going to town, seven days on site no more than that, eight hour days, bus in an out just to name some.

I had been operating at two weeks a month for six months and they had repaired 2km and put 10km new wind and native easements fence lines. as well tagging, dehorning and snip. planted 500 150mm native trees on creek lines and ridges lines all at my cost.

IT stopped with out warning, I had a person come out a speak to me, and informed me that it had not been approved and I was operating outside the law, I was told as was great idea but it was exploiting workers and a complaint had been made.

To this day I still believe it a resource that is under used. most of the people were unemployed or had limited skill set

KBs PensNmore
2nd November 2015, 01:06 PM
I agree whole heartedly with your idea, and think it's fantastic, giving people a chance to get some life skills. Try going to Centrelink with the idea, saying what you had done and the way you went about it, explain your predicament back back etc. and see what they have to say about it, if you get the OK, get it writing. As I'm certain they have a work for the dole scheme. I'm sure there would be a lot of people in the same situation as you, too much work for one person or a disability, but not enough for two. Another alternative is that there are a lot of Grey Nomads and some not so grey, for a free camp site they do some work to help you out. Get in touch with the national body of Caravan and Motorhome Clubs for there thoughts and to put it in their magazine
"The Wanderer". That way you're not exploiting anyone, and I'm sure there would be retired farmers and others out there, that would jump at the chance to save some dollars with no camp fees, in exchange for some work, I know I would.

2nd November 2015, 01:23 PM
I dont get it. were these 5 people/employees getting paid in something more tangible than life skills or a reason to wake up in the morning?

2nd November 2015, 01:28 PM
that was another part of the plan as the property was 2km down the back road to from Awoonga Dam, great fishing. had marked out two site at the back of the property for camping reserve to hilly, didn't want cattle up there, thus the new fence lines. but money ran out, drought, back surgery costs had to sell out. I have been a team leader for "work for the dole" and "Conversation volunteers Australia" and in my belief and what I have seen , badly planed.

2nd November 2015, 01:38 PM
the idea was, there are people ever week that are required to do CCO - community corrections order or ICO -Intensive correction orders, they have been charged a amount of fines have been issued, so instead of paying it of in cash they work I of in hours

"A community corrections order is a flexible order that allows you to serve your sentence in the community. These court orders have at least one condition attached. These conditions differ according to the kind of offence you have been found guilty of and your particular circumstances"

The biggest problem is there was not a great deal of clubs or people involved, and some just cant get over the stigma of this court app

KBs PensNmore
2nd November 2015, 02:17 PM
some just cant get over the stigma of this court app

That's life. They need to learn, do the crime, pay the fine or do the time. Deal with it.

2nd November 2015, 04:19 PM
I spent a few years as a corrections officer, driving the community service bus and supervising in Victoria, the types of work that was done was for the benefit of the community, i.e planting out reserves and parks( Parks Victoria). mowing school grounds etc. Sorting stuff out for St Vincent De Paul. It was not to benefit an individual, nor could individuals apply for any work to be done as part of a CCO, things may have changed or be different in your state.

2nd November 2015, 04:56 PM
you are correct Shedbound. that was guidelines and was shut down i was not a non-profit being a what i believed a pilot program was not enough. there was at the time a poor up taking in the community. a lot of clubs and non-profit at the time didn't want "criminals" on their property. now more so with the induction of the blue card

I did ask but i got a department reply.