View Full Version : How much electricity costs?
26th October 2015, 02:54 PM
Just wondering how much or approx fellow woodworkers pay. There`s only me & a dog & with the machinery most here have probably seen from my posts which doesn`t get used that much my current bill is $700. My last was just over a grand. Had the meter checked & was said to be working fine.Had my bills read for discrepancies but none found. So it comes down to the bill corresponds to the amount used or what else? Wonder Dog mucking about with machinery/power? Got me beat.Any thoughts/ideas? Thanks gordo.
26th October 2015, 04:28 PM
Just wondering how much or approx fellow woodworkers pay. There`s only me & a dog & with the machinery most here have probably seen from my posts which doesn`t get used that much my current bill is $700. My last was just over a grand. Had the meter checked & was said to be working fine.Had my bills read for discrepancies but none found. So it comes down to the bill corresponds to the amount used or what else? Wonder Dog mucking about with machinery/power? Got me beat.Any thoughts/ideas? Thanks gordo.
Are those costs per month, quarter ????
Do you leave machines on?
Some people just throw their mains switch at their shed breaker box when they leave but I often have something running like batteries charging or electrolysis etc so I have a current monitor on my shed breaker box and this tells me if I have left something I've left something on. Sometimes its a soldering iron or welder which are silent so I can't tell by ear if they are running or not.
26th October 2015, 05:11 PM
Hi BobL. Thanks. Billing is per quarter. All machinery is unplugged. Only thing that runs during day is Off peak water heater/fridge. Radio for the pooch! Anything else is always unplugged like microwave/washing machine.I`m thinking the house being 60 y o the wiring needs replacing or there`s some other type of leakage. Four person house one side has pool pump going 24/7. Bill - just under 400. Other side,4 adults using $350 worth.Annoying & a mystery.
26th October 2015, 05:13 PM
I live by myself and the only pets I have are the ones which escaped the traps and fly spray. My electricity bill from 22nd April -> 21st July (91 days) was about 300bux. It worked out to be 8.31kwh/day. To be honest though, i have been incredibly lazy of late and the machines barely run for 30hrs/week, and mostly just the 3hp dusty.
In the evening when it is dark, i only turn the lights on when eating dinner so i can make sure there isnt any bugs in my food. other than that it is dark in the house with just the computer and TV running. And I cook dinner using the oven maybe 40 times/year...usually get maccas or kenchucky.
26th October 2015, 05:17 PM
Switch off / disconnect everything. See if the meter is still turning.
Something may be using power without your knowledge.
Underground cable leakage, next doors pool, etc
Try putting one one thing at a time back and see what power each draws.
26th October 2015, 05:19 PM
Hi Mate,
It's unlikely that you have 'leakage'. Just have a look at your meter when everything is off, if it's still clocking up the kilowatts then something is wrong.
But I'm guessing that you use halogen lights in your workshop?
I have LEDs throughout and my bill is only 100-150 a quarter. Each is 15 watts, bright as a flouro. But I have one Halogen lamp in the shed, it burns the same amount as all the lights in my house at once.
Turn everything off, everything, and check the meter .. it shouldn't be moving at all. Get rid of any halogen lights. Replace any old style lighting with modern efficient and I am sure you will see a remarkable difference. (I'm a sparky)
26th October 2015, 05:26 PM
Just wondering how much or approx fellow woodworkers pay. There`s only me & a dog & with the machinery most here have probably seen from my posts which doesn`t get used that much my current bill is $700. My last was just over a grand. Had the meter checked & was said to be working fine.Had my bills read for discrepancies but none found. So it comes down to the bill corresponds to the amount used or what else? Wonder Dog mucking about with machinery/power? Got me beat.Any thoughts/ideas? Thanks gordo.
I installed an electricity monitor, it sits in the family room and displays the usage at that time, refreshes every 30 seconds or so. With one of these you can see your background usage (tv on standby, pcs, modems etc) and then as an appliance starts you can see what it costs. Can be set to show cost, kWh, and other things, cost is the most relevant.
You should also look at what your supplier is charging you, there are lots of discounts around. Look at click energy.
26th October 2015, 06:21 PM
My usual 90ish day bill is a little over $200, but I work offsite most of the time. (2 people, no dogs). (But we make a point of not wasting energy.)
26th October 2015, 07:08 PM
Thanks folks. Apparently i`m using 29.79kWh per day! Fluros & incandesants throughout the house. Shed is only fluros. No 3 phase at all. And the cutesy pics the elec co put on the bill indicates i use that of a 4 - 5 person household - 2.532kWh. The radio mostly on during the day uses 300W as per mnfg specs. No TV as anything i want to see i find on the computer. I`ll get a mate over to help check what power is being consumed at any given time an appliance/switch is on. Little wonder my planned move to other regions is forthcoming.
gordo 350
26th October 2015, 07:27 PM
Check your off peak usage. Is your hot water running all night?
26th October 2015, 08:03 PM
Hi BobL. Thanks. Billing is per quarter. All machinery is unplugged. Only thing that runs during day is Off peak water heater/fridge. Off peak water heater shouldn't be running during the day -- it should only run late at night
how old is the fridge?
is the compressor running 24/7
do you have a "smart" power meter? One that stings you big time if the lights are on between 4 and 8 PM?
26th October 2015, 08:29 PM
Knowing that you average over 29kw/h per day is excellent info to help find the problem. And that's a god awful amount of electricity. Your hot water may be a big chunk of that, and should be charged at an off peak cheap rate .. so I think it would pay to check that out.
Once you have cracked that nut, I would also look at your rate / rates.
Not sure about NSW, but down here, it pays to shop around, and its reasonably painless, because its only the name on the bill. Poles and wires remain the same.
26th October 2015, 08:58 PM
So heres pics of meters taken yesterday. 2 & 3 were replaced a year or so back & i didn`t know till i went to replace a blown fuse wire one day. I mentioned the off peak water heater before as i felt it must have some constant power going to it to at least keep water warm before kicking in & heating the water? Its hmm,five years old.Fridge? Big 6`tall Whirlpool Multiflow f/freezer. Probably 15 years old. Looks modern & works better than any other fridge i`ve owned. Helled if i know if the compressor runs 24/7.I do know it switches on/off at various times. Might be time to get the malleys ice box & bunsen burner out of retirement!
26th October 2015, 09:21 PM
off-peak hot water is supposed to heat water overnight when power is cheap and store the hot water for use during the following day. The unit is supposed to turn itself on and off in response to a coded signal sent down the line by your power retailer.
Most storage units have a supplementary heater that cuts in if the store of hot water drops below about 25% of capacity -- if you have a 350 litre system, you would have to use around 270 litres of hot water for your morning shower for the supplementary heater to cut in during the day.
Your electricity usage equates to a 1000W heater running 24/7, plus "normal" household usage.
I'd be looking for a fault with the hot water heater. If it's running 24/7 you should be able to hear the water bubbling around the heating element.
26th October 2015, 09:38 PM
We're a 2 person household and we use ~18 kWhr per day in winter and ~25 kWhr per day in summer
We have gas for hot water and the forge :-)
Energy usage depends on whether SWMBO is home or off with the horses.
When she is home the telly and air con runs non stop.
In summer I also have a air con going in the shed but I converted to LEDs
26th October 2015, 10:11 PM
You wont hear the water bubbling, the tell tail sign is a slow release from the pressure relief valve. There is also 2 off peak settings, Off peak 1 which heats 2 times a day between 4 & 6 in the morning and 3 &4 in the afternoon. Off peak 2 is once per day between 11pm and 4am. When they changed the meter without you knowing they may have changed your heater to off peak 1.
Failing any of the above, did this increase just become noticeable with the last bill, if so then I would suggest that you could have a dodgey hws. Im also curious why you have 3 meters. The old circular one is an old Prospect County Council one and I assume that is the hws. One of the other meters is for general power and light. Why the third one? Of the 2 newer ones, 1 is Endeavour energy the other is Integral energy which is also an off peak meter by the looks of it. Something very strange going on here unless I have interpreted incorrectly. Get a friendly sparky to check everything first starting at the meter box.
Also, they employ contract readers now and if they are lax may be it was a guesstimation also have you checked their readings against your meters.
26th October 2015, 10:34 PM
I'm a single person household and use 25kWh per day in winter and 15kWh per day in summer. Electric stove and hot water (off peak). Biggest part of the winter usage is the heat pump which goes 8-10 hours a day, 7 days a week (1499kWh for the 3 month billing cycle). Only thing running 24/7 is the fridge and the computer (plus NBN modem etc)
Shed power is a separate feed in and is only a few dollars about the standard meter charge i.e about 0.5kWh per day! I really should get some 3 phase tools and wind the bill up a bit ..
27th October 2015, 08:11 AM
Hi OldGrain,
There IS something wrong and I am suspicious of the off-peak! Off-peak used to be fairly regular hours during the night only but now it can be at any time of the day depending on the load on the network at the time. I suggest you unplug the frij from its current power point and plug it into one that you believe is NOT off-peak. IF it runs continuously then there is a problem with the frij and, when you hear it turn on and off through the day, that is the off peak being turned on and off NOT the thermostat in the frij itself. I am suspicious that your belief that the frij works so well is because it is on far too often. The same applies to the hot water but it is more difficult for you to 'unplug' and check?
I am also in Endeavour's area, there are 2 adults, a swimming pool, aircon, (and, I am ashamed to say....) 4 frij's and my workshop ..... and the quarterly bill is about the same as yours!
27th October 2015, 08:33 AM
A bit late to the thread, which many people have given some good clues to. I'll add...
When a bill is high, look for heating and cooling first. That's what uses the most power in your house. People tend to worry about lights because they can see them on more easily but unless you have really lots of them or big spot lights they are a fairly small proportion of your total load. Same with machinery, even big stuff you probably aren't running multiple hours a day.
The disc type meters, like your picture1, _never_ read high. They are purely mechanical and when they get old they gum up and wear out which slows them down. But they can be misread. As rwbuild says, get a re-read (or do it yourself if you have the actual numbers on your bill).
27th October 2015, 09:07 AM
A further thought
apart from the supply charge, your power bill should have 3 main lines on it
one for the off-peak hot water, clearly labeled "off-peak"
a second line for the first block of general electricity, charged at a particular rate and
a third for the remainder of the general electricity, charged at a higher rate
there may be lots of secondary lines if the price for each of the main lines changed during the billing period, but these should be clearly identified.
can you tell us what amounts you are being charged?
also, have your bills always been this high, or have they increased significantly since the meters were changed over?
27th October 2015, 03:56 PM
Hi Ian & thanks.
$66 for Peak.$81 for Peak Next. Cntrl Load $4.60. Supply $11.90. CL1 Supply 80c.
Price Change (70 days)
$175 for Peak/Next. Cntrl Load $20. Supply $55. CL1 Supply $3.80.
Above figures rounded off.
First Meter:29 Jul Start > Controlled: 99.084. End:99.161 @ 77Kw. 6 Oct Start > Controlled: 99.161. End 99.482 @ 321Kw.
Scnd Meter: : : : > Peak : 8.744. End: 9.384 @ 640 Kw. : : : > Peak 9.384. End 10.878 @ 1.494 Kw.
Bills started to increase over last two years since meters were changed & previous supplier was taken over by current one.
The joys of luxuries one needs.
27th October 2015, 05:55 PM
Still doesn't explain why you have 3 meters.
27th October 2015, 07:25 PM
Hi Oldgrain
I can't see where your Off-Peak Hot water is being charged
I think one of your meters might be a time of day meter -- the retailer can then charge you extra for power used at peak times, usually 4 to 8 PM on weekdays.
As far as I know, you the customer is supposed to consent to the installation of time of day metering.
Also, I think the only change to your supplier is their name.
27th October 2015, 08:18 PM
Still doesn't explain why you have 3 meters.
I think maybe there are only two meters, the third device is the relay to switch on/off the off peak tariff circuits?
[edit +]
It looks like the first meter is the one measuring the controlled supply. In Qld at least, controlled supply is tariff33 guaranteed supply 18 hours/day. Tariff 31 is the super economy overnight rate, guaranteed for 8hrs/day. Peak$>tariff33$>tariff31$.
27th October 2015, 08:29 PM
$66 for Peak.$81 for Peak Next. Cntrl Load $4.60. Supply $11.90. CL1 Supply 80c.
Price Change (70 days)
$175 for Peak/Next. Cntrl Load $20. Supply $55. CL1 Supply $3.80.
Above figures rounded off.
First Meter:29 Jul Start > Controlled: 99.084. End:99.161 @ 77Kw. 6 Oct Start > Controlled: 99.161. End 99.482 @ 321Kw.
Scnd Meter: : : : > Peak : 8.744. End: 9.384 @ 640 Kw. : : : > Peak 9.384. End 10.878 @ 1.494 Kw.
Bills started to increase over last two years since meters were changed & previous supplier was taken over by current one.
Hi OldGrain
I've done a bit of research for you
You appear to have two billing lines for your "controlled load" which I think should be only be powering your off-peak hot water
from Endeavor's Tarrif document
A Controlled Load tariff applies where electricity load is separately metered and controlled at a connection point:
a) Controlled Load 1 (N50) applies where supply to approved specified appliances is controlled such that supply may not be available between 7:00am and 10:00pm, during both Eastern Standard Time (EST) and Daylight Saving Time (DST).; and
b) Controlled Load 2 (N54) applies where supply to approved specified appliances is controlled such that electricity is available for restricted periods not exceeding a total of 17 hours in any period of 24 hours.
the full document with the usage charges is here:
27th October 2015, 08:52 PM
Good grief Ian. I thought my bill was confusing with all the double digits etc. But 37 pages to further confuse & confound me or any one else who reads through it. But i do thank you & every one else who has answered. Got some serious bookworming to do. Ha. gordo
27th October 2015, 08:56 PM
Hi Ian & thanks.
$66 for Peak.$81 for Peak Next. Cntrl Load $4.60. Supply $11.90. CL1 Supply 80c.
Price Change (70 days)
$175 for Peak/Next. Cntrl Load $20. Supply $55. CL1 Supply $3.80.
Above figures rounded off.
First Meter:29 Jul Start > Controlled: 99.084. End:99.161 @ 77Kw. 6 Oct Start > Controlled: 99.161. End 99.482 @ 321Kw.
Scnd Meter: : : : > Peak : 8.744. End: 9.384 @ 640 Kw. : : : > Peak 9.384. End 10.878 @ 1.494 Kw.
Bills started to increase over last two years since meters were changed & previous supplier was taken over by current one.
The joys of luxuries one needs.
The A1100 meter ( would be the one measuring peak supply. It can be read remotely and can measure supply over three phases. The above says there was a lot more power used on the peak circuit during first period while more power used on offf peak during the second period????
Also my arithmetic says the above add up to $418 not $700?
27th October 2015, 09:19 PM
Hi Fuzzie. I`ll write it as it is on the bill:
Price Change - 29 Jul to 6th Oct (70 days)
Units. Price. Amount
Peak: 767 kWh $0.2285 $175.26
Peak next: 575 kWh $0.2241 $128.86
Peak next: 192 kWh $0.2236 $42.93
Controlled Load1 326 kWh $0.0641 $20.90
Supply Charge 70 days $0.7967 $55.77
CL1 Supply Charge 70 days $0.0543 $3.80
Its a nightmare in any ones language i reckon. gordo
****Typed " Units/Price/Amount" in columns but didn`t work out once posted.****
27th October 2015, 09:29 PM
Total: $427.52?
27th October 2015, 09:39 PM
Hi Fuzzie. I`ll write it as it is on the bill:
Price Change - 29 Jul to 6th Oct (70 days)
Units. Price. Amount
Peak: 767 kWh $0.2285 $175.26
Peak next: 575 kWh $0.2241 $128.86
Peak next: 192 kWh $0.2236 $42.93
Controlled Load1 326 kWh $0.0641 $20.90
Supply Charge 70 days $0.7967 $55.77
CL1 Supply Charge 70 days $0.0543 $3.80
Its a nightmare in any ones language i reckon. gordo
****Typed " Units/Price/Amount" in columns but didn`t work out once posted.****
I "think" I can see the problem.
It looks like the unit prices are about 2x those listed on the Endeavour tarriff schedule, but similar to what Energy Australia list as their price.
Are you sure Endeavour is your supplier and not some 3rd party ?
27th October 2015, 09:53 PM
Gday Ian. Bill comes from Ay gee el!
28th October 2015, 02:15 PM
Hi Fuzzie. I`ll write it as it is on the bill:
Price Change - 29 Jul to 6th Oct (70 days)
Units. Price. Amount
Peak: 767 kWh $0.2285 $175.26
Peak next: 575 kWh $0.2241 $128.86
Peak next: 192 kWh $0.2236 $42.93
Controlled Load1 326 kWh $0.0641 $20.90
Supply Charge 70 days $0.7967 $55.77
CL1 Supply Charge 70 days $0.0543 $3.80
Its a nightmare in any ones language i reckon. gordo
****Typed " Units/Price/Amount" in columns but didn`t work out once posted.****
OldGrain, what am I missing here, you said your bill was $700. The numbers in your note only add to $427.52?
28th October 2015, 05:47 PM
Gday AlexM1.
1st Meter Read: 29 Jul Actual Controlled START 99.084 END 99.161 Kw 77.
1st Meter Read: 06 Oct Actual Controlled START 99.161 END 99.482 Kw 321
2nd Meter Read 29 Jul Actual PEAK Start 8.744 End 9.384 Kw 640
2nd Meter Read 06 Oct Actual PEAK Start 9.384 End 10.878 Kw 1,494.
Usage & Supply Charges:
PEAK 288Kwh UNITS. PRICE 0.2317.AMOUNT:$66.73.
PEAK NEXT 312 Kwh UNITS. PRICE 0.262. AMOUNT $81.74.
Controlled Load 1: 72Kwh UNITS.PRICE 0.0643.AMOUNT $4.63.
Supply Charge 15 Days. PRICE 0.7967.AMOUNT $11.95.
CL1 Supply Charge 15 Days.PRICE 0.0543. AMOUNT $0.81.
Other charge noted in Reply 21. gordo
29th October 2015, 10:14 AM
OldGrain, thanks, I still can't see $700. Can you explain where you got the $700 dollars from?
Your bill at $427 is still high but considerably less than $700. The hot water charge $20.90, would suggest there is no issue there. You need to look at other appliances, fridges and freezers can be high users, particularly if they are old and have lost some gas. They will never actually get to the set temperature and the compressor will run constantly trying to get there. Old style globes also can be a big drain, do you have outside security floodlights, are they turning off as they should, the big globes are 150 watts and add up over time.
Do you know any sparkies that could check things out for you?
29th October 2015, 09:27 PM
Tried to take pics of the break down costs/charges info but with my eyes/camera can`t get a real decent pic. None the less its going to be paid albeit a bit late.
I guess the only saving grace for me is that this will be the 2nd last elec bill to this crowd.Things have progressed better for me as of today to make for a sea change.In the interim i do thank all for taking the time to try & resolve current (elec) no pun intended situation. gordo
29th October 2015, 10:17 PM
OldGrain, the bottom line is certainly clear! I cannot bridge from the previous numbers to this but it sure makes the $700 clear.
Who ever you change to the problem will likely remain, the same people will read your meter regardless of who sends you the bill so it is in your best interest to get to the bottom of what is driving the cost.
I recall a scheme some time ago where a person would come to your home and check what was driving your power bill, when they were trying to push green solutions, LED globes and the like. Not sure if they are still around.
Worth contacting the power company to see if they could recommend someone.
Sorry I cannot help more but it is not possible to diagnose remotely unfortunately.
29th October 2015, 10:23 PM
Gday Alex. I`ll be changing to ( i hope) better prospects in Tassie. gordo
29th October 2015, 11:55 PM
thanks for posting that pic of your usage Old Grain
what I find disturbing is that your daily onsumption is approximately 2x what it was this time last year.
That sort of jump implies that you are doing something significantly different this year compared to last year.
The first place I'd look is the fridge -- is the compressor running fairly frequently? Is the ice cream soft? is the freezer full of ice?
these symptoms would suggest the fridge is on its way out or one of the door seals is broken or obstructed.
then I'd check that the off-peak hot water is really off peak and not running off the normal supply.
your usage suggests you have a 1000+W continuous load somewhere on the property
do you have a heat pump?
could their be an electric blanket in a spare room that's been left on?
is there a high wattage lamp burning somewhere?
30th October 2015, 08:15 AM
Gday Alex. I`ll be changing to ( i hope) better prospects in Tassie. gordo
Gordo, if it is the fridge or one of the other appliances and you take them to Tassie the problem will follow you. Best to get it sorted now.
Good luck with the move!
30th October 2015, 06:39 PM seems the problem has been found.We think. The one item not thought about in this sorry saga was an overhead ceiling/light fan. 5 speed wall mounted box dial.Twin incandesants in fixture. Separate light switch. Would have to be at least 40+ years old. Apparently when the fan is switched off,its not turning off completely with the motor still whirring although the blades are stationary. Why this has never blown a fuse or given some other tell tale sign (like smokey/burning motor) is beyond me.This fan was fitted long before i moved in & like other stuff done through the years is obviously a bit dodgy.You don`t want to see the sun room/spare bedroom ceiling.Suffice to say it used to be an open verandah. Anyways.we`ll see what happens over the next couple of months monitoring. Have disabled fan for now. gordo
30th October 2015, 06:59 PM
Great! With luck that will solve it.
1st November 2015, 11:28 AM
Glad the problem appears to be solved.
As an aside, the biggest "problem/gripe/whinge" we have in Qld country is, we only have one supplier, take it or leave it. Almost everyone you speak to has used less kW but the bills just keep going up. The unit price keeps rising but as if that is not bad enough the real joker in the pack is the so called "Service charge", in the last 2 years this has gone from $48 to the current $100.97 per quarter, when questioned all we are told is it is for the meters and the reading of them. This is not just covering costs but is gold plating the system as a sure fired way of ensuring that the actual money received will be well in excess of the costs.
6th November 2015, 10:41 AM
Gordo, if it is the fridge or one of the other appliances and you take them to Tassie the problem will follow you. Best to get it sorted now.
Good luck with the move!
You wont need the fridge in Tasmania :D