View Full Version : Making a table from old hardwood studs - worthwhile?

Reno RSS Feed
24th October 2015, 10:40 PM
Hi all

Tried to search for this in the Woodwork forum - but can't get past the spam filter!

I have a number of 50 year old hardwood studs saved from demolishing some internal walls. Very hard and heavy. The wood is pinkish with veins, so maybe tassie oak? They would need planing and/or thicknesseing as they are rough finished.

I've been saving it to make an indoor table but I wonder if I'm just wasting my time? Are old studs suitablefor this ue?

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f85/making-table-old-hardwood-studs-worthwhile-117387/)