Reno RSS Feed
5th October 2015, 09:00 AM
All, looking for some advice here. Getting some extension work done via one of the extension specialist building companies. As it turns out one of the sliding door units they ordered is the wrong height at 2100 when the rest of the windows are at the correct height of 2400. If we signed a window schedule with this error in it, do we have a foot to stand on? As laymen, are we expected to be able to pick up these details? Obviously even someone in their office who does this regularly missed this. To be honest even looking at the schedule now knowing there was a mistake made it wasn't that easy for me to tie back each window on the schedule to the plan. Can I please get you opinion about who is responsible to rectify? Would a 50/50 share in the costs be reasonable? Any other suggestions? Would 300mm be tall enough to put a glass panel in their to make it look acceptable?
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