View Full Version : Overhanging tree branches.

25th August 2015, 04:29 PM
Our neighbours have a beautiful tree that overhangs the fence on our side. The birds love this tree, particularly at this time
of year as they sit there and and yodel out their mating calls.

Trouble is the leaves and seed pods wind up in our pool, which is on the other side of the block. Twice we have had to replace
diaphragm in our pool cleaner because of the damage theses pods have done.

Last year I spoke to NDN about trimming the tree and he agreed that I could trim whatever was on my side of the fence. For
various reasons I did not get this done. The main reason was the cost of hiring a tree lopper.

I intend to speak to the neighbour again. I don't fear any aggro as he is a reasonable and quiet person. But if I put the onus on him
to tidy up the tree because of the damage it causes to our pool machinery he may well balk.

A perusal of the gov. regs. on this problem shows that any limb or branch is up to 2.5 meeters from the ground maybe removed.
Any branch above that height that is causing damage or loss of facility maybe trimmed. The owner of the tree can only be charged
$300 per year for this trimming.

A couple of problems arise here. Firstly, why the 2.5M limit? A strange number considering the normal fence height is 2.4M.
Secondly, why a limit of $300? Do the designers of thesem rules have any notion of the cost of an arborist/

I think it is well past time that these rules were reviewed.