View Full Version : Paedo-bloody-philes

27th July 2005, 11:16 PM
Was just feeling a bit stressed ane the news headline said a bloke in Sydney got a years jail for possessing 28000 ############ images of childern as young as 3.
My middle boy is three and his litle sister 1.5 and it got me quite upset. And they've gone to Atherton with Gingerchick for Her Gandfathers funeral.

27th July 2005, 11:21 PM
Was just feeling a bit stressed ane the news headline said a bloke in Sydney got a years jail for possessing 28000 ############ images of childern as young as 3.
My middle boy is three and his litle sister 1.5.

2,3,4 of the above, then 1. :mad: pricks

27th July 2005, 11:23 PM
For mine the worst crime of all. You kill the child in them from that point on.

As someone suggested in another thread, smash two bricks together.

27th July 2005, 11:40 PM
I was just so shirty that I didn't bother looking for similar threads :o

Jack E
28th July 2005, 08:56 AM
It is probably the most disgraceful thing a person can do.
I think execution is the only option.
If you remove body parts they will still have the urges and do damage.
One punishment before execution could be to insert a pvc pipe, then insert barbed wire through it and remove the pipe. Lets see them get the barbed wire out.
:mad: :mad: :mad:


28th July 2005, 09:43 AM
I like to think that I am fairly balanced in most things I do and most of my opinions. But this does boil me up because I don't believe that you can rehabilate these people. If there are any shrinks amongst you I am happy to argue my point till the cows come home.

I say lock them up and throw the key away. From what we see day in day out most of these people cannot be rehabilitated, why place more children and more families at risk???? We lock them up for 1 year, we give them psychologists, and they come out more cunning and more disturbed than ever before.

Throw out the key!

28th July 2005, 10:12 AM
There needs to be another option in the poll.

Please insert...ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!!!!.... into the poll.
I would happily drop the hammer on this type of scum.
I think I wouldn't be alone.

Regards, Trevor

28th July 2005, 11:05 AM
Was just feeling a bit stressed ane the news headline said a bloke in Sydney got a years jail for possessing 28000 ############ images of childern as young as 3.

My first reaction was isn't this a "thought crime"? I mean, what did the guy do? He wasn't charged with molesting kids, just having pictures.

But it is wrong. It's not that he posessed the pictures, it's that kids have suffered at the hands of those making the images. The law here is aimed a curbing demand for the images. No demand, no images.


E. maculata
28th July 2005, 11:19 AM
I am your average (token) left wing, liberal, bleeding heart do gooding loves all my fellow human beings type guy, but to be eligible for my compassion you must be human first or at least live by the rules of the pack.

I usually kill dangerous snakes with an old axe

28th July 2005, 11:38 AM
Please insert...ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!!!!.... into the poll.
I would happily drop the hammer on this type of scum.
I think I wouldn't be alone.

28th July 2005, 01:26 PM
send him around to my place.

execution is the only answer - no need to stoop to thier level - just kill em outright and be done with them once and for all.

doug the slug
28th July 2005, 11:14 PM
the bleeding hearts brigade tell me that most paedophiles were them selves victims of abuse and as such we should try to rehabilitate them. if this is the case, every one of their victims is the next generation of potential paedophiles.

This is where it gets difficult, to eradicate teh problem, we need to stop the future paedophiles from offending in the first place or they are setting up a further generation of paedophiles. therefore it stands to reason that the penalty needs t o be harsh enough to act as a deterrent, like it is with all other crimes, ha ha ha ha.

My youngest child is now 16 but if anyone had have touched my kids they would have wished that the cops had gotten to them before i did.

the punishment must fit the crime. eg, the bali bombers should be put in an isolated jail cell with a large slab of plastic explosives under the floor, and they know that one day, maybe tomorrow and maybe 5 or 10 years from now that it will be detonated when they least expect it. imagine living like that? would that deter others?

29th July 2005, 04:18 AM
As the husband of a psychologist - everything Doug says is often correct.
Boy can you make an arguement for that philosophy - they are just victims of their environment. You can try and change their outlook on their past - not easy but achievable. Or you could use a bullet - not ethically or morally correct.

Fact is there are perpertrators of both genders albeit in unequal ratios, nontheless it happens - perhaps as a community we need to look out for one another and contribute to the overall welfare of our communities rather than executing a victim? :confused:

I'm quitting now coz this has more barbs than politics and religion put together :eek:

29th July 2005, 08:57 AM
i feel pretty strongly about this thread so I will comment again.

1) kiddie is illegal not only immoral :mad:
2) the kid can never get his innocence back :(
3) the people who take the photos are evil personified :mad: :mad: :mad:
4) the people who share, distribute, sell or look at kiddie are troubled and should be dealt with as harshly as possible :mad: :mad:
5) "normal" western society punishment does not easily enough discourage this type of abhorance :confused:
6) smashing thier gonads, putting them in prison or physically hurting a troubled mind only makes that mind worse - this is also cumulative; as all involved get to share a compounded horror story which only gets worse in the telling :(

it is time to stop this behavoiur - fundimentalist societies such as Saudi Arabia have the cure - death by dishonour. quick, painless, humane, no repeat offenders.

I hope some of our western policy makers read such threads and grow some pubes and make a few law adjustments.

29th July 2005, 09:57 AM
Boy can you make an arguement for that philosophy - they are just victims of their environment
Sorry, but I reckon that is a load of crap. You can't tell me that people committing these acts don't know it's wrong. It's in their face - plenty of coverage by the media. You cannot help but know that interfering with a minor is not only a crime but is one of the crimes most despised by the public.

Saying you're only doing it because someone did it to you is just trying to shift the blame. If you want revenge, take it out on the the one who did it to you, not some poor innocent kid. Or do yourself in and save us the grief.

Nup, doesn't wash with me. No excuse and no sympathy for what happens to the sick mongrels when they get locked up. I only wish there was an easier way of tracking them all down. There must be heaps of this that goes on behind closed doors and no-one ever finds out because the victim (yes that's the kid, not the rock spider) is too afraid to tell anyone.

29th July 2005, 10:05 AM
Sorry, and I meant to say that this line of argument being given to us by psychologists is just part of the errosion of responsibility that is afflicting society. While they are looking for reasons as to why people do these things, they are giving them an armoury of arguments to use in their defense.

You are responsible for your own actions. You and no-one else.

29th July 2005, 10:48 AM
Stayed away from this thread for I thought I would not be able to add anything that had not already been said , but some replies seem to have a totally diffrent view to what I expected to see.

I know this goes against some peoples ideas but a pedaphile can be reabilitated they just need to have the error of their ways explained and told how their actions have effected anothers family

This needs to be done by the male members of the family with the female members assisting in a locked room so as not to be disturbed.
It should be explained repeatedly until all the family is satisfied, and the child can be told that the person will never bother or see them again

The thing should then be left locked in the room un interupted for a couple of months to reflect.

And if it was one of the lowest of that low breed where it was their own child then a group of volunteers should act in the role of the family.

I believe that this would save the child a lot of agony going through a court case etc...and the pedophile would not re offend.
Where as in the past there have been serious questions asked about corruption in the judical system and perhaps some were not given their just deserts.

The trouble with life is there's no background music.

29th July 2005, 12:52 PM
SNIP...Or you could use a bullet - not ethically or morally correct. SNIP...:eek:
It is in my book.
Do the crime, get a bullet.
China will actually send a bill to the family of the executed for the cost of the bullet used to off their relative.

The Ultimate height of the USER PAYS SYSTEM ?????:D

Regards, Trevor.

29th July 2005, 03:29 PM
Besides the small sentences being handed out what really gets to me is the Politicians who will not legislate harsher penalties for these scum bags. I thought it was the duty of everyone of us (adults and societies) to protect the young. Yet we allow school teachers, religious nuts and others to molest our children (and i count myself responsible for all children) and then get away with 1 years jail or less....The church are so worried about being sued that they will not help the children molested but try to cover it up.......forgetting the reason they are there is to help

29th July 2005, 04:53 PM
Ashore almost got it right apart from missing out that they should be dead at the end of the families visit. This is a little selfish but if that happened to one of my kids I wouldn't be able to sleep until I'd personally dished out the justice and they wouldn't be leaving the room.

I know there's all that "think about the rest of your family not having you around" but I wouldn't be worth living with until I'd got it out of my system, like I said a little selfish but there you go.


29th July 2005, 05:59 PM
Ashore almost got it right apart from missing out that they should be dead at the end of the families visit.

"The thing should then be left locked in the room un interupted for a couple of months to reflect."

Left alone in a locked room no food or water I meant " just to be sure"

The trouble with life is there's no background music.

Auld Bassoon
29th July 2005, 07:46 PM
I like to think that I am fairly balanced in most things I do and most of my opinions. But this does boil me up because I don't believe that you can rehabilate these people. If there are any shrinks amongst you I am happy to argue my point till the cows come home.

I say lock them up and throw the key away. From what we see day in day out most of these people cannot be rehabilitated, why place more children and more families at risk???? We lock them up for 1 year, we give them psychologists, and they come out more cunning and more disturbed than ever before.

Throw out the key!
Yes, and just let the regular "crims" get hold of the swine. For the object in question, to quote an author whose name I can't recall at the moment, "they'll learn a whole new sport. It's called survival".

No "cheers!" on this one.

Dion N
29th July 2005, 09:57 PM
The replies to this post so far illustrate why we have developed a system of laws and courts in our society. If we left "justice" in the hands of the victim or the victim's family we would simply end up with revenge, not justice.

All this talk of inflicting suffering and torture on criminals is simply lowering ourselves to their level. Crime must still be punished, but in a humane manner. I'm no bleeding heat liberal, and I agree that many of these criminals reoffend. I do think that a paedophile who offends a second time and shows no desire to reform should be permanently detained for the good of the community. I certainly don't agree with anyone who suggests torturing or killing paedophiles.

29th July 2005, 10:18 PM
I had a mate who 10 years ago advocated the total banning of bull bars , he put up great arguements against them, and was sencere in his arguements.

On a holiday to Adelaide via broken hill hit a roo that smashed his windscreen
He was ok kids badly shaken and wife got some cuts and bruises.

He has since retired, bought a camper trailor and Prado to do the round ausi trip and guess what is fitted on the front of the prado.

I guess him being personally affected changed his views somewhat.

2nd August 2005, 12:54 PM
I do think that a paedophile who offends a second time and shows no desire to reform should be permanently detained for the good of the community.
You're joking right, second time? Not sure the second victim would agree with you there.:confused:


2nd August 2005, 01:05 PM
The replies to this post so far illustrate why we have developed a system of laws and courts in our society. If we left "justice" in the hands of the victim or the victim's family we would simply end up with revenge, not justice.
That's one way of looking at it. The other is to let the punishment fit the crime. There are other legal systems than ours and in some of them, it is an eye for an eye. Our's errs on the side of caution but it lets a lot of people off scott free. You have to wonder what sort of deterrent it really is.

3rd August 2005, 09:15 PM
I reckon excecute the SOB's. Why should my taxes pay for these filth to be able to put in appeals followed by appeals. Why should my taxes feed these !~@#$@#$%!@#$. Why should my taxes allow them to study, excercise, access libraries, gyms, pools, TV, internet ad naseum.
The poor kid which has been molested gets bugger all, oops, sorry , a little bit of public sympathy on TV. The victim will not get free legal access, free study, free excercise, free meals, free etc. etc. etc.
Worst of all, this scum gets out after a few years due to "good behaviour". How can they misbehave for crying out loud! There are no children in jail!
I get whole heartedly sick of every crim saying they were molested, ill treated, groped, mislead by looking at movies, TV, being misunderstood etc. etc. This ***** is being fed to them by lawyers and shrinks. ( Keeps both employed and makes them wealthy)
Next thing someone will tell me that the terrorist caught in London should be given a second chance because the bombs did not go off and they did not hurt anyone.

3rd August 2005, 09:37 PM
Yet we allow school teachers, religious nuts and others to molest our children
Back off buddy.
Don't tar everyone with the same brush.
I abhor the crimes of these basturds as much as you do, but I'm a school teacher and we don't need you calling us paedophiles.Sure some teachers are, but why single out one profession. What about all the poor kids who've been abused in backyard sheds by woodies(grandpas, dads, uncles etc etc)
I'll personally throw the switch on the next teacher convicted, but don't make it sound like we are all the problem. :mad:

3rd August 2005, 09:51 PM
Rightly or wrongly we have a legal system.
Those that want to work outside that system are terrorists and should be dealt with as such.

If you do not agree with the law then vote to get it changed but do not try to incite violence against others.

Now where did I leave that 12g. ;)

doug the slug
3rd August 2005, 11:03 PM
Back off buddy.
Don't tar everyone with the same brush.
I abhor the crimes of these basturds as much as you do, but I'm a school teacher and we don't need you calling us paedophiles.Sure some teachers are, but why single out one profession. What about all the poor kids who've been abused in backyard sheds by woodies(grandpas, dads, uncles etc etc)
I'll personally throw the switch on the next teacher convicted, but don't make it sound like we are all the problem. :mad:
Hovo, lets keep it in perspective, im sure that shaun didnt say that every member of the professions he listed are responsible. he was merely listing occupations who are in a position of trust with our most precious of all commodities. you know as well as the rest of us that SOME of them have offended, but its not the majority, far from it. in fact, hovo, unless you can give an ironclad guarantee that no schoolteacher is a paedophile then your post is out of order in the context that i believe shaun intended it.
i commend you for sticking up for your profession and i, and i assume the majority of members of this forum and the community in general admire your work, not all of you, or any other profession are squeaky clean

Dion N
5th August 2005, 10:35 PM
That's one way of looking at it. The other is to let the punishment fit the crime. There are other legal systems than ours and in some of them, it is an eye for an eye. Our's errs on the side of caution but it lets a lot of people off scott free. You have to wonder what sort of deterrent it really is.

I doubt anything would deter them. Harsher penalties rarely deter people from committing crimes. The penalties for drink driving are pretty stiff, but the police still catch plenty of fools who are willing to put themselves and other road users at risk.

Paedophiles feel compelled to molest kids. They know it's wrong, but the compulsion is so great that they choose to do it anyway. I very much doubt that they are thinking about the possible consequences when they are planning or cotemplating their crimes.

7th August 2005, 11:00 AM
The penalties for drink driving are pretty stiff,.
drink driving fines of a few hundred dollars are no deterant. Just a bit of an annoyance. Same with speeding fines. $100 for every km/hr above the limit it should be. We could spend the money generated on the recalibration or upgrading of speed detecting devices.
Harsher penalties may not deter the filth but they surely wouldn't encourage them.

doug the slug
7th August 2005, 02:59 PM
drink driving fines of a few hundred dollars are no deterant. Just a bit of an annoyance. Same with speeding fines. $100 for every km/hr above the limit it should be. We could spend the money generated on the recalibration or upgrading of speed detecting devices.
Harsher penalties may not deter the filth but they surely wouldn't encourage them.
What makes you think these penalties are meant to be a deterrent. they are revenue raisers. if the penalty was so steep that we dare not take the risk how would the government make any money? and besides if the penalties were a serious deterrent, and it wasnt just a revenue raising exercise, then maybe more police resources could be diverted to investigating and preventing real crimes like assault, theft, paedophelia, murder, wilful damage etc. Try and report a wilful damage, minor theft or burglary and the police try to talk you out of it. at best they will log it for the benefit of your insurance claim. they dont have resources to investigate anything under $10,000. they are too busy making money for the government to be serving the public by maintaining law and order.