View Full Version : Bonjour!
2nd August 2015, 11:57 AM
Hi all! I'm Ben and would like to have permission to access some pages info on this great forum (Since I'm new, everything is blocked)
My email is confirmed too.
2nd August 2015, 12:57 PM
Welcome aboard Ben.
Mot heard of access being blocked but sure it will be sorted
Dave TTC
Turning Wood Into Art
2nd August 2015, 02:18 PM
Welcome to the forum Ben.
3rd August 2015, 02:31 PM
G'Day & Welcome to the Great Southern Land and to a top forum "Ben".
There are quite a few "canuck" members plus folk across the USA and the rest of the world.....
You'll find a heap of helpful & knowledgeable blokes & ladies on the forum and for most very willing to assist.
Make sure you show off your handiwork as everyone loves a photo, especially WIP [Work In Progress] photos with build notes.
Enjoy the forum.
Enjoy your woodwork.....
Cheers from On Top DownUnder, crowie
PS - Try writing a few comments in the threads of the woodworking you like to see if the access issue is resolved....
14th August 2015, 06:29 PM
Welcome to the forum.
Are you still blocked? Once you are a member you should be able to see every photo.
18th August 2015, 12:33 AM
Welcome to the forum Ben