View Full Version : Window replacement - Brick Veneer Sill issue

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28th July 2015, 08:40 PM
Hi All,
I have a typical Canberra 'Ex-Govvie' house (70's brick-veneer construction). I want to replace currently installed aluminium single glazed windows with timber double glazed ones. The frames of timber double glazed windows are significantly wider than the existing ones. This will result in the window frame protruding into the house, as all windows have an angled brick sill (diagram can be seen here: https://www.awa.org.au/documents/item/212 on page 11). I guess options would be to either slightly cut the angled brick sill slightly or remove it completely and replace with straight bricks and push the window frame outwards (all windows but one are under wide fascia).

Any advice on how to approach it or pictures, if you have done this before would be greatly appreciated.

Read and reply to the full thread at RenovateForum.com.... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f84/window-replacement-brick-veneer-sill-issue-116558/)