View Full Version : Aussie oil on camphor laurel?

5th May 2015, 09:39 AM
Hi folks,

I have a nice new bottle of aussie oil I am keen to try out, and the next thing to come out of the workshop will be a small turned dish made of camphor.

Is aussie oil going to go on OK with the oil in the camphor? Will probably sand it pretty finely, then put on some EEE, then tossing up about what finish to go on after that!



6th May 2015, 02:59 AM
Hi Danny,
Forget the EEE, just go for the AO.
Shake that bottle well before using, & don't use to much on the cloth, but do it a few times. You should Shake every time you use it. If time apart is say, 2mins. you should shake it.
I think you will find it will work on the Camphor.

8th May 2015, 09:22 AM
Well, I ended up going with EEE + Shellawax. Finish came up nicely apart from some torn grain I didn't spot until too late!

Will try out AO on the next piece :).