View Full Version : Hey guys, thanks for having me

21st March 2015, 12:20 AM
Hey everyone, my names Josh, long time lurker, first time poster.
In case you're interested, here's a little about me :)
I'm a uni student doing industrial design, but in my spare time I love doing bits and pieces of woodwork.
I'm fairly new to discovering different timbers, and have done so through building two electric guitars and a woodwork bench (So that I can do woodwork on of course :U:U)

At this time, I find tasmanian blackwood to be my favourite looking timber, but fijian mahogany has to be close to the ncest to work with :)

Well that's it for now, thank you guys and I hope I enjoy myself around here!

21st March 2015, 01:07 AM
Welcome, look forward to seeing your work.

21st March 2015, 12:54 PM
Welcome to the forum Josh.

21st March 2015, 01:31 PM
Thanks guys!

22nd March 2015, 06:43 PM
Welcome to the forum

23rd March 2015, 07:17 AM
G'Day & Welcome to a top forum "Josh".
There are a heap of members in & around the Sydney and surrounding areas.......
You'll find a heap of helpful & knowledgeable blokes & ladies on the forum and for most very willing to assist.
Make sure you show off your handiwork as everyone loves a photo, especially WIP [Work In Progress] photos with build notes.
Enjoy the forum.
Enjoy your woodwork....
Cheers crowie

PS - Watch out for a Sydney area "get together" at Katoomba....good to met and chat....

24th March 2015, 12:20 AM
G'Day & Welcome to a top forum "Josh".
There are a heap of members in & around the Sydney and surrounding areas.......
You'll find a heap of helpful & knowledgeable blokes & ladies on the forum and for most very willing to assist.
Make sure you show off your handiwork as everyone loves a photo, especially WIP [Work In Progress] photos with build notes.
Enjoy the forum.
Enjoy your woodwork....
Cheers crowie

PS - Watch out for a Sydney area "get together" at Katoomba....good to met and chat....

Thanks Crowie!
Yep i'll definitely post some of my projects as they're finished, I think I'd prefer starting a thread closer to finishing projects as I only get some spare time here and there, and wouldn't want everyone waiting for weeks! Haha

Thanks for the heads up, i'll keep an eye out for get togethers

1st April 2015, 02:23 PM
Welcome to the forum.