View Full Version : Overlay flooring as wall/ceiling lining.

Reno RSS Feed
3rd March 2015, 11:30 PM
We are going to use 85x19 hardwood (Tas Oak) t&g strip flooring as lining on our internal walls. The material comes in random lengths. We will fix it with pins (small dia. nails) from a nail gun. It is NOT end matched, i.e. it s square cut on the ends.

My question is: Do we have to join it over the studs, as for normal strip flooring, or can we but join it mid span?

The strips will be linked by the edge tongue and groove, the walls have foil under the outer cladding and they also have insulation batts between the studs. Due to positioning of windows and doors, the stud spacing is averaged out, mostly sub 405, often down to 370.

Any thoughts please.


Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f85/overlay-flooring-wall-ceiling-lining-115291/)