View Full Version : Termites, Pests, Ants

Reno RSS Feed
11th February 2015, 11:00 AM
Hi All,

I had the house sprayed 5 years ago for pests & termites. Now the bast@rds are back. Mainly just ants and cockroaches. I lost the number for the guy that I used so just wondering if people have any experience or recommend someone.

I'm after protection from termites (no evidence of any - fingers crossed), ants (coming in through windows), and cockroaches.

The house is on stumps approx 500mm off the ground, 3 bedroom post war timber house in Brisbane.
I have pets and young children so wanting to use someone that uses more environmentally friendly and not so toxic (you know kids put everything in their mouth!)

Any recommendations? Estimate costs? Thanks in advance.

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f85/termites-pests-ants-115117/)