View Full Version : Timber Treat finish for windows and doors

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24th January 2015, 01:20 PM
Has anyone got any experience of Cooee Timber Treat clear (or tinted) finish for timber?

I'm keen to know how it stands up to hot sun outside, and to what extent it prevents timber warping, cracking and cupping (inside a house and outside).

I've got some west facing red ironbark windows that I put Norglass Poly Clear gloss on 5 months ago, and the finish is already deteriorating. I've been advised by Norglass that their Marine Varnish would last longer, and that part of the problem is the dark timber absorbing heat. I'm wondering whether to redo them with Marine Varnish or to use Timber Treat or some other product.

I'm also thinking of using Timber Treat on an interior door which gets no direct sunlight on. The door manufacturer says oiling is not suitable, and the door has to be painted or "varnished" to seal it enough to stop warping, cupping, etc. Has anyone used both Timber Treat and an ordinary oil such as Ecowood Oil / Organoil (separately, that is)? If so, I'd be interested in a comparison.

Read and reply to the full thread at RenovateForum.com.... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f84/timber-treat-finish-windows-doors-114922/)