View Full Version : Computer question

8th July 2005, 11:17 PM
Hi all

Got a computer question.

I am installing a D-LINK DI-524 Wireless router on my pc for my laptop.
The adsl modem is a Dynalink RTA 100+. Primusonline.

I can get it set up and then log onto an IP address for dlink which is a setup page. (

Go through wizard but once Ive finished it will no longer recognise the adsl and drops out.

any ideas pleasssssssse



8th July 2005, 11:31 PM
Did you enable any security while you were setting up? (WEP, trusted Mac addresses etc?)

Can I clarify- that you are loosing your ADSL signal (ie are no longer on the web), or are you loosing contact with the router? The second is much more common. Once security is enabled, or a password changed, the wireless device looses contact until its settings are also updated.

8th July 2005, 11:33 PM
Did you enable any security while you were setting up? (WEP, trusted Mac addresses etc?)

Can I clarify- that you are loosing your ADSL signal (ie are no longer on the web), or are you loosing contact with the router? The second is much more common. Once security is enabled, or a password changed, the wireless device looses contact until its settings are also updated.
I dont think so, WAP maybe?

8th July 2005, 11:43 PM
WEP (;)) is Wired equivalent protocol. Ie it is meant to provide the same level of security as actually being physically connected by a cable, rather than wireless.

If this is turned on, then the wireless signal leaves the router encrypted. If the wireless device (laptop etc) does not have the same 'code' to be able to decrypt, then the signal will be seen, but not readable.

Could you describe your symptoms more accurately- will help isolate the cause.

8th July 2005, 11:43 PM
Dazzler, just make sure that the ADSL router is not issuing your other router an IP address or the otherway around.

I don't know the products that you are using but generally the ADSL router will issue IP addresses to the PCs using it. But you have a router between it and the PCs. That additional router will probably be trying to issue addresses as well.
This will get real confusing, IPs won't match networks and gateways will be wrong.

Hope that make some sense.

8th July 2005, 11:48 PM
That is sounding more promising.

I don't know the Dlink router, but can it not be connected directly into the ADSL modem? Then the PC plugs into the Wireless router via one of the hardpoints.

Would this help rectify the situation with IP address assignment?

8th July 2005, 11:49 PM
I've got a D-Link wireless router (DI-624+). Different router but the setup seems to be the same.
On the left hand menu, click on the WAN button and the entries should look something like this.

<TABLE width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=2>WAN Settings</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD colSpan=2 height=30>Please select the appropriate option to connect to your ISP.</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="34%" height=35><INPUT onclick=ChgPage(0) type=radio value=0 name=connType> Dynamic IP Address</TD><TD vAlign=top width="66%" height=35>Choose this option to obtain an IP address automatically from your ISP. (For most Cable modem users)</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="34%"><INPUT onclick=ChgPage(1) type=radio value=1 name=connType> Static IP Address</TD><TD vAlign=top width="66%">Choose this option to set static IP information provided to you by your ISP.</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="34%"><INPUT onclick=ChgPage(2) type=radio CHECKED value=2 name=connType> PPPoE</TD><TD vAlign=top width="66%">Choose this option if your ISP uses PPPoE. (For most DSL users)</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="34%"><INPUT onclick=ChgPage(3) type=radio value=3 name=connType> Others </TD><TD vAlign=top width="66%">PPTP and BigPond Cable</TD></TR><TR><TD width="24%"><TABLE width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD width="20%"></TD><TD width="80%"><INPUT onclick=ChgPage(3) type=radio value=3 name=other_conn> PPTP</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD vAlign=top width="66%">(for Europe use only)</TD></TR><TR><TD width="24%"><TABLE width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD width="20%"></TD><TD width="80%"><INPUT onclick=ChgPage(4) type=radio value=4 name=other_conn> BigPond Cable</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD vAlign=top width="66%">(for Australia use only)</TD></TR><!--<tr> <td width=24% valign=top> <table width=100%><tr> <td width=30%></td> <td width=70%> <input type=radio name=connType value=3 onClick=ChgPage(3)> PPTP</td></tr></table></td> <td width=66% valign=top>PPTP Client</td></tr>--><TR><TD colSpan=2 height=30>PPPoE</TD></TR><TR><TD width="34%"> </TD><TD width="66%"><INPUT onclick=clickPOE() type=radio CHECKED value=0 name=fixIP> Dynamic PPPoE <INPUT onclick=clickPOE() type=radio value=1 name=fixIP> Static PPPoE</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="34%">User Name</TD><TD vAlign=top width="66%"><INPUT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffa0" maxLength=63 size=30 [email protected] name=name> </TD></TR><TR><TD width="34%">Password</TD><TD width="66%"><INPUT type=password maxLength=63 size=30 name=pass> </TD></TR><TR><TD width="34%">Retype Password </TD><TD width="66%"><INPUT type=password maxLength=63 size=30 name=pass_v> </TD></TR><TR><TD width="34%">Service Name</TD><TD width="66%"><INPUT maxLength=63 size=30 value=Internode name=srv_name> (optional) </TD></TR><TR><TD width="34%">IP Address</TD><TD width="66%"><INPUT disabled maxLength=15 size=16 value= name=ip> </TD></TR><TR><TD width="34%">Primary DNS Address</TD><TD width="66%"><INPUT maxLength=15 size=16 value= name=dns1> </TD></TR><TR><TD width="34%">Secondary DNS Address</TD><TD width="66%"><INPUT maxLength=15 size=16 value= name=dns2> (optional)</TD></TR><TR><TD width="34%">Maximum Idle Time</TD><TD width="66%"><INPUT size=4 value=0 name=idle> Minutes</TD></TR><TR><TD width="34%">MTU</TD><TD width="66%"><INPUT maxLength=4 size=5 value=1492 name=mtu> </TD></TR><TR><TD width="34%">Connect mode select</TD><TD width="66%"><INPUT type=radio CHECKED value=1 name=auto_recon> Always-on <INPUT type=radio value=0 name=auto_recon> Manual <INPUT type=radio value=2 name=auto_recon> Connect-on demand </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Once you have saved this, go to the STATUS tab across the top and then onto the device info. It should look something like this:-

<TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=2 height=15>Device Information</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2 height=20>
Firmware Version: 2.05 , 21 Sep 2004
</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#cccccc><TD colSpan=2>
</TD></TR><TR><TD width="22%" height=25>
MAC Address
</TD><TD width="78%" height=25>00-11-95-56-21-69 </TD></TR><TR><TD width="22%" height=25>
IP Address
</TD><TD width="78%" height=25> </TD></TR><TR><TD width="22%" height=25>
Subnet Mask
</TD><TD width="78%" height=25> </TD></TR><TR><TD width="22%" height=25>
DHCP Server
</TD><TD width="78%" height=25>Enabled </TD></TR><TR><TD width="22%" height=25> </TD><TD width="78%" height=25> </TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#cccccc colSpan=2>WAN</TD></TR><TR><TD width="22%" height=25>
MAC Address
</TD><TD width="78%" height=25>00-11-95-56-21-6a </TD></TR><TR><TD width="22%" height=25>
</TD><TD width="78%" height=25>PPPoE Connected <INPUT type=submit value=Connect name=connect> <INPUT type=submit value=Disconnect name=disconnect> </TD></TR><TR><TD width="22%" height=25>
IP Address
</TD><TD width="78%" height=25> </TD></TR><TR><TD width="22%" height=25>
Subnet Mask
</TD><TD width="78%" height=25> </TD></TR><TR><TD width="22%" height=25>
Default Gateway
</TD><TD width="78%" height=25> </TD></TR><TR><TD width="22%" height=25>
</TD><TD width="78%" height=25> </TD></TR><TR><TD width="22%" height=25> </TD><TD width="78%" height=25>

</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#cccccc colSpan=2>Wireless</TD></TR><TR><TD width="22%" height=25>
MAC Address
</TD><TD width="78%" height=25>00-11-95-50-ad-f9 </TD></TR><TR><TD width="22%" height=25>
</TD><TD width="78%" height=25>Boxers </TD></TR><TR><TD width="22%" height=25>
</TD><TD width="78%" height=25>6 </TD></TR><TR><TD width="22%" height=25>
</TD><TD width="78%" height=25>Disabled

</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2 height=25>

Being a typical computer thing, it took a while to work. Try turning it off for 30 seconds and turn it back on and have another look.


8th July 2005, 11:57 PM
Yeh, don't try and get it running on wireless. Wait till it is stable then move to the wireless connection.

You could try this:
Turn off the ADSL router.
Reboot the other router
Renew your IP address on the PC ( or just reboot).
Your PC should have an IP address from the router. The PC should then be able to browse the routers webpage.
If you can get that far your half way.

8th July 2005, 11:59 PM
Thanks all

Grunt where do I find the menu. If I try and go to the ip address where the wizard is it times out.

Tried turning it off for a while and hard booting it by pushing in the pin at the back.

9th July 2005, 12:08 AM
You won't get a menu if you can't connect to the router which it appears that you can't.

Do you have a network cable? I'd plug that in to the router directly and see if you get a connection.

Also, I would restart you computer.

9th July 2005, 12:14 AM
Go to start left click

run type cmd click ok

type ipconfig enter

this will show you your ip address, subnet mask , default gateway.

Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.

9th July 2005, 12:48 AM
Thanks ashore

got that but what do i do then (am i in dos)

In netscape when I try to get to it times out.

Tried changing gateway in control panel local area connection but then the adsl dropped out.

9th July 2005, 01:03 AM
What does the ipconfig say. Can you cut and paste into a message. In the dos window, the top right hand corner has a little c:. Click on this, then 'Edit' and then mark. Mark the text, click in the box again and press edit/cut.

Paste it into a message so we can see what's going on.

9th July 2005, 01:05 AM
Is this it

Windows IP Configuration

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :



9th July 2005, 07:37 PM
All fixed

Thanks everyone (thanks grunt for pm) it is fixed and for once it wasnt me.

The firmware that I updated was the problem and apparently they have had a few issues with it.

Now I just need to fix the security settings and Im done.



Auld Bassoon
9th July 2005, 08:30 PM
Hi all

Got a computer question.

I am installing a D-LINK DI-524 Wireless router on my pc for my laptop.
The adsl modem is a Dynalink RTA 100+. Primusonline.

I can get it set up and then log onto an IP address for dlink which is a setup page. (

Go through wizard but once Ive finished it will no longer recognise the adsl and drops out.

any ideas pleasssssssse


dazzlerHi Dazzler,

Just recently I put in a Netgear PCMCIA wirless card in my laptop to link up with a Netgear wirless router (which in turn connects to BigPond Cable).

At first I had all sorts of errors & failures to communicate - until I realised that I'd set WEP as the encryption method - but one end at 64bit and the other at 128bit - Duhhh!http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon11.gif

If you've set an encryption method (and you should!), then make quite sure that both ends are set to the same spec.
